SCMG 305 APUS Week 6 Regression Analysis Forecasting Discussion

User Generated


Business Finance

SCMG 305

American Public University System



Course Objectives:

CO7: Investigate cause-and-effect relationships utilizing regression analysis

Discussion Prompt:

Find one authoritative resource in the form of a YouTube video or Website that explains the use of regression analysis as a prediction model for forecasting. Try not to duplicate a resource already posted by another student. Insert a hyperlink for that resource so others may access it quickly. Finally, provide an explanation of what you learned from the resource that strengthened your understanding of using regression analysis for forecasting.

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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.

W6: Regression Analysis Forecasting
All firms and trading organizations are interested to know what happens tomorrow in
their market arena. This is why organizations engage in demand forecasting. The regression
method of demand forecasting (URL: is an interesting write-up explaining how firms can estimate demand using past
data available and factors that affect demand. What I learned from the website is that forecasting
starts with the identification of variables that impact the product in question. In most cases, the
demand may be affected by factors such ...

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