HYPERVSN 3D Holographic Device SWOT Analysis Paper

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Business Finance


Hi to whom it may concern, hope this finds you well!

I am making my thesis of the university for a 3D advertising company called Hypervsn (www.hypervsn.com), and I need help to complete its SWOT Analysis.

- You will need to make a SWOT Analysis for the Hypervsn and its 3D holograms on entering the Greek market.

- Write up to 1300-1400 words for the analysis + must use at least 10 academic references.

Please give more attention to the guidelines mentioned, as well as its structure. It needs to have an outstanding quality of work!

Let me know for any questions if needed and thank you in advance, I will also provide notes too.


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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.



SWOT Analysis

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SWOT Analysis

HYPERVSN develops a 3D holographic device that allows audiences to immerse
themselves in the experience. Customers receive an integrated 360-degree, increased highquality market solution for a wide variety of end uses, including Digital Signage, Retail, Events,
Education, Public Safety, and many others, thanks to proprietary hardware that works in tandem
with a system of specific and comprehensive software (Clarity, 2019). The main goal of the
company is to immerse the world in holographic technology. Covid-19 has impacted Hypervsn
because, beginning March 17, 2020, Hypervsn employees began working from home. They also
put a halt to business travel and strongly advised against personal travel. People started listening
to podcasts in droves during the lockdown. As a result, the company adapted to the times and
established its channel, the HYPE. The company gives listeners an exciting look into the
incredible world of 3D visual marketing with two of their best at the microphones. COVID-19
was combated by HYPERVSN partners all over the globe (Krakovyak, 2021). The following is
an excellent example from Hypervsn partner OPTIO in Slovakia, demonstrating how two
significant hospitals in Bratislava decided to recognize healthcare heroes in a magically
holographic way. They installed HYPERVSN Solo and Wall units displaying customized content
on the last day of corona restrictions, and the feedback they received from hospital employees
was incredible! To combat Covid-19, Hypervsn has created brand new Lockdown content that
displays health and safety messaging in 3D to slow the spread of COVID-19. All of their content
is based on WHO public safety recommendations and includes the global #StayHome hashtag.
This article will discuss the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis
for the Hypervsn company and its 3D holograms on entering the Greek Market.



The following are the strengths of the Hypervsn and its 3D holograms. The 'surprise
factor is provided by the company's use of 3D holograms. The "surprise factor" of 3D holograms
is distinct. Most present clients do not draw in with holograms; however, they do with traditional
open-air advertising or online media advertisements. As online media turns out to be perpetually
saturated with advertising and clients are besieged with advertisements consistently, brands are
battling to hold customers' attention. 3D hologram image showcasing slices through the clutter
(Francesco, 2020). Potential clients are attracted to 3D holograms since they are novel and
unusual. On the off chance that you saw a holographic announcement on the road today, you
would presumably stop, snap an image, and send it to your companions. An illustration of the
strength of Hypervsn by utilizing 3D holograms on entering the Greek Market is that PUMA
launched a bold hologram OOH promotion campaign toward the beginning of March 2020. The
organization made a 360-degree perspective on their most recent shoe on the roofs of parked
vehicles in front of different Chicago landmarks. The mission was coordinated during the 2020
NBA All-Star Weekend in Chicago. PUMA needed to connect with their fans alternately, so they
used hologram visualization innovation to make entrancing advertisements (Francesco,2020).
Out-of-home ads from PUMA are only one example of how companies are experimenting with
hologram marketing. Because holograms are dynamic, detail-oriented, and innovative, they
present enormous opportunities for brands.
Another strength of Hypervsn using 3D holograms on entering the Greek Market is that
3D holograms are experiential, which helps them in advertising. The majority of consumers
would notice a holographic advertisement if they happened to walk by it. They would either
come to a complete stop or do a double-take to research it for a more extended period. It also



provides entertainment to the audience. It is not just a billboard or a status update on social
media. The consumer can observe the 3D design and interactive presence of hologram
advertisements. In October of 2018, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) launched a campaign to
raise a concern about animal abuse that included holograms. A hologram ele...

Great content here. Definitely a returning customer.


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