UMUC W9 Agile Project Management Approach Discussions

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Business Finance

University of Maryland University College


Week 9: “Waterfall” project management approach

Imagine that you are a consultant just recently hired as a project manager for a software development project for a small, privately owned landscaping/nursery business. They currently use Excel spreadsheets to keep track of their inventory of plant stock. The owner of the business, who is the project’s sponsor, is very accessible and is eager to get started. Your consulting firm will provide all the staffing for developing and testing this software. The solution infrastructure will use several local windows PCs in conjunction with cloud-based servers and databases.

For this week’s discussion question: Would you follow a traditional “waterfall” project management approach, or would you follow an “agile” model? Why? State your reasons. Be sure to include any key assumptions about the business/project that influence your direction.

Week 9: Agile Project Management model

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Imagine that you are a home builder with 20+ year track record of very successful and profitable construction projects. You have won multiple "Builder of the Year" awards for excellence in residential home construction. Your newest customer, a professional Project Manager for a software development consulting firm, has just signed a $550,000 sales contract with you to build a new two-story, 4-bedroom, 2.5-bath home in a prestigious new suburban subdivision that you are developing. However, this customer insists that you follow the Agile Project Management model for the construction of their new home. How would you respond to your customer’s demand?

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Explanation & Answer

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Project Management Approach
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Week 9: “Waterfall” project management approach
I will use the agile project management approach as a project manager. This is due to the agile
approach's increased versatility, which allows for modifications or corrections to be produced at
any time. Unlike the standard model, which requires upfront preparation and design, the agile
model allows for cross-functional teams to be formed where designers, engineers, and reviewers
to be rotated to work on different implementations over time. The conventional project manager's
role is more of a command-and-control type, while the Scrum Master's role is more of a facilitator.
This approach, therefore, means that the customer is aware of what is happening and the
improvements that the new method would entail for the...

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