Computer Science Question

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Computer Science

CSE 30



It is a C++ homework you have to pass all the tests

below is the entire requirement, please make sure you are able to solve it.

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Assignment 6 Due: Fri May 14th, 2021 @11:59PM updated 5/8/21 Please read over the entire assignment before starting to get a sense of what you will need to get done in the next week. You MUST run the assignment on the pi cluster. You HAVE to ssh: You will not be able to compile or run the assignment otherwise. Table of Contents Part 1 FP Converter [16 points] 1. Learning Goals 2. How the Program Works a. Arguments b. Required Methods 3. Development Process 4. Getting Started 5. Testing 6. Style Requirements 7. Submitting 8. Grading Breakdown 9. Slides and Video Part 1 FP Converter You now work at the Triskelion (aka the S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters). You are tasked with backing up the codes to access S.H.I.E.L.D agent files. The 9 bit FP codes need to be read from a file and stored in IEEE Single Precision (32 bit) format. You are asked to build and submit code that can perform this conversion. Learning Goals ● Programming in ARM assembly ● Working with floating point numbers ● Coordinating a program with both ARM assembly and C code (you aren’t writing in C) FP Format The FP format is similar (but not the same) to the one we studied in class. It has a sign bit, 4 bits of biased exponent, a bias value of 7 (base-10), and 4 bits of mantissa. The following figure illustrates the bit assignments: FP Format sign (1) exponent (4) mantissa (4) Points to note: 1. There is an implied “1.” in front of the mantissa unless a denormal number. 2. Denormal numbers have “0.” in front of the mantissa and an exponent field of 0000 which represents 2^-6. 3. Infinite numbers have an exponent field equal to 1111 with any value in the mantissa. The following table shows how to interpret the exponent fields and matissa fields. Exponent/mantissa represents 1111/mmmm 2^8 x 1110/mmmm 2^7 x 1.mmmm normal number 1101/mmmm 2^6 x 1.mmmm normal number 1100/mmmm 2^5 x 1.mmmm normal number 1011/mmmm 2^4 x 1.mmmm normal number 1010/mmmm 2^3 x 1.mmmm normal number 1001/mmmm 2^2 x 1.mmmm normal number 1000/mmmm 2^1 x 1.mmmm normal number 0111/mmmm 2^0 1.mmmm normal number 0110/mmmm 2^-1 x 1.mmmm normal number 0101/mmmm 2^-2 x 1.mmmm normal number 0100/mmmm 2^-3 x 1.mmmm normal number 0011/mmmm 2^-4 x 1.mmmm normal number x Notes 1.mmmm infinity 0010/mmmm 2^-5 x 1.mmmm normal number 0001/mmmm 2^-6 x 1.mmmm normal number 0000/mmmm 2^-6 x 0.mmmm denormal number (no leading 0) Number Encoding in 9-bits +0.0 9’b0_0000_0000 (9 bits of 0 in binary) -0.0 9’b1_0000_0000 Number 9-Bit Representation Binary Representation Base 10 Representation Positive Infinity 9’b0_1111_xxxx +Inf Negative Infinity 9’b1_1111_xxxx -Inf Most Positive # 9’b0_1110_1111 2^7 * 5’b1.1111 8’b11111000 = 248 Smallest Positive # 9’b0_0000_0001 2^-6 * 5’b0.0001 1/1024 = 0.0009765625 MostNegative # 9’b1_1110_1111 -2^7 * 5’b1.1111 -9’b111110000 = -248 Smallest Negative # 9’b1_0000_0001 -2^-6 * 5’b0.0001 - 1/1024 = -0.0009765625 IEEE-754 Single Precision Format sign (1) exponent (8) mantissa (23) The bias for the IEEE Format is 127 (base 10) and the format uses an implied 1 for normal numbers.The smallest representable exponent is -126 which is represented by 8’b0000_0001 (normal numbers) and 8’b0000_0000 (denormal numbers) . The exponent code - for IEEE Denorms 8’b0000_0000 is not used by our program except for +-0, +0 is 32 bits of 0 and -0 is 1 followed by 31 0’s. In IEEE single precision, any exponent of all 1’s (0xff) represents a number too large to represent. For example 0xff80_0000 is a number with a negative sign bit, all 1’s for the exponent and all 0’s for the mantissa. This represents negative Infinity (-Inf). Similarly, 0x7f80_0000 represents positive infinity (+Inf). Note that the mantissa bits are all 0. Non-zero mantissa bits represent another kind of IEEE special number (NaN - not a number) which is not used in this assignment. Summary of Select Conversions (0’s, min, max values) FP 9-bit FP IEEE-754 Single +0 0_0000_0000 0x00000000 -0 1_0000_0000 0x80000000 0.0009765625 0_0000_0001 0x3a800000 -0.0009765625 1_0000_0001 0xba800000 248 0_1110_1111 0x43780000 -248 1_1110_1111 0xc3780000 +Inf 0_1111_xxxx 0x7f800000 -Inf 1_1111_xxxx 0xff800000 Your Mission Your program will take a binary file name as an argument. Read in the file that is the argument passed to your program. This file is a raw binary file containing just bytes of data. For each 9 bits binary FP number in the file, decode those 9 bits, convert it into IEEE FP format and print it. For example, $ ./convertfp topsecret.bin would read in the file topsecret.bin, convert each 9-bits to a floating point number, and print those numbers as decimal values to stdout. You can assume that a valid binary file is used and there won’t be other arguments given. [Developers tip: before you write assembly code, think about the algorithm. How are the 9 bit format and the 32-bit IEEE format similar and different? How does each field convert from our 9-bit format to the 32-bit IEEE format?] Arguments Arguments Description convertfp // This is the executable .bin This .bin file contains binary information in the form of bytes of FP data. You will read this file one byte at a time, convert each number to IEEE FP format, and print it to the screen, one number per line. Files and Methods You are provided 4 files: 1. fpconvert.S 2. Makefile (DO NOT EDIT) 3. main.c (DO NOT EDIT) 4. makebin.c (DO NOT EDIT: Described below under Testing) 1. main.c This file is provided for you and already complete. DO NOT EDIT! int main(int argc, char **argv) Description This file reads in the contents of the binary file, calls the below fpconvert routine, and prints the decoded 9-bit values to standard out. For each decoded 9 bit value from the binary input file, it will print the following three values on one line: the FP value in hex, the IEEE FP value in hex, and the decimal value. 2. fpconvert.s This file contains two routines in ARM assembly that you will complete. float fpconvert(unsigned int Num); Description Write a routine called fpconvert implemented in CSE 30 ARMv6 assembler (your routine is only allowed to use the cse30 subset of ARMv6). fpconvert is called in the main method of main.c. The routine fpconvert should convert all the non-infinity input cases - converting Num to an IEEE single precision float. If Exp is a 0xf as described above, it should call the routine convert_infinity (which is in the same file, described below). Parameters unsigned int Num 32-bit integer representation of an 9-bit FP number read from the input file (The value of the parameter is stored in R0 and you should store the return value in R0). convert_infinity Description This routine should be called from within the assembly routine fpconvert if the n passed in to it has all exponent bits equal to 1 in the 9-bit FP form. The exponent bits in the IEEE form for such a number should now also be all 1s. (The value of the parameter is found in R0 and you should store the return value in R0). You shouldn't need more than one other register in this function. To call a function use the following instruction within fpconvert (bl is branch and link) bl convert_infinity // convert_infinity(r0) // At the end of the function, convert_infinity, there is an epilog, this will automatically return to the instruction after the bl. Parameters unsigned int n 32-bit integer representation of a 9-bit FP number read from the input file (This parameter should still be in register R0.) Return value Either a +Inf or -Inf value based on the sign of n. The return value is the last value of R0 before the function epilog (see starter code). Development Process To make development easier, you should first implement the conversion of normal numbers. First assume that the smallest positive and negative numbers1 in our 9-bit format are: FP 9-bit FP IEEE-754 Single 0.015625 0_0001_0000 0x3c800000 -0.015625 1_0001_0000 0xbc800000 Test your code on a range of normal numbers (smallest, largest). Be sure to check the special cases of +0.0, -0.0 and +Inf and -Inf. After thoroughly testing the functionality of your code you should consider denormal numbers. Denormal numbers are represented when the exponent field is 0. In this case the actual exponent will be 2^-6 and there will be a “0.” in front of the mantissa. For example, the smallest positive number is represented by 9’b0_0000_0001 which encodes the value 0.0001*2^-6m= 1/1024 = 0.0009765625 After implementing the conversion of denormal numbers your code should be able to produce all of the values in the Summary of Select Conversions table. Getting Started Instructions to Run Your Program In order to run your program you MUST ssh into the pi-cluster on ieng6. Both your ieng6 and pi-cluster accounts share the same files so anything you copy to ieng6 (scp to ieng6) will ALSO be on the pi-cluster when you ssh in. From Your Personal Computer 1. 2. 3. 4. Open a Terminal ssh into your ieng6 account Download the starter code (see below). ssh into the pi-cluster using the following command: $ ssh ex: $ ssh 5. You are ready to start! (REMEMBER: when you exit, you need to do so twice if you want to get back to your local machine!) 1 These are the smallest normal numbers. Running Your Program We’ve provided you with a Makefile and starter code. Additionally, we have placed the reference solution binary at: /home/linux/ieng6/cs30sp21/public/bin/converfpA6_ref Makefile: The Makefile provided will create a convertfp executable from the source files provided. Compile it by typing make into the terminal. Run make clean to remove files generated by make. gdb: To run with gdb, the command is gdb [executable] to start gdb with your executable. r [arguments] will run your executable with [arguments] Allowed Instructions You are only allowed to use the instructions provided in the ARM ISA Green Card. Failure to comply will result in a score of 0 on the assignment. Some Examples of types of instruction NOT ALLOWED in any CSE30 assignment: This is not an exhaustive list. For this assignment, you should not need to do any data transfer instructions. example description comment ldrb r0, [r4], #1 post indexed addressing use only [register, #offset] or [register] addressing ldr r0, [r4, r2] double register indirect use only [register, #offset] or [register] addressing ldr r0, [r4, r2, lsl #2] addressing with scaling use only [register, #offset] or or [register] addressing mov r6, r2, lsl #2 immediate with shift use only simple immediates (no shift) movgt conditional move do not use conditional instructions (only branches may be conditional) bleq conditional branch and link use only bl Testing 1. The file makebin.c has been provided so that you can easily create examples to test your code on before submitting it to the headquarters’ database. Example contents of an input file (somehexnums.txt) given as an argument to makebin: 0x0 0x80 0x101 0x181 0x7f 0x1ff Example on how to use makebin: $ ./makebin somehexnums somehexnums.bin Note: if you try to edit somehexnums.bin you will see a bunch of gibberish, as it's a binary file. Style Requirements Points WILL be given for style, and teaching staff won't be able to provide assistance or regrades unless code is readable. Please follow these Style Guidelines for ARM assembly. Submission and Grading Submitting 1. Submit your files to Gradescope under the assignment titled “A6”. You will submit the following files : ● ● fpconvert.S README To upload multiple files to gradescope, zip all of the files and upload the zip to the assignment, or you can multi-select all files and drag and drop. Ensure that the files you submit are not in a nested folder. 2. After submitting, the autograder will run a few tests: a. Checks that all required files were submitted b. Checks that your source code compiles c. Runs test input on your program and compares your output to ours Grading Breakdown Make sure to check the autograder output after submitting! We will be running additional tests after the deadline passes to determine your final grade. You will receive 1 point for each test that you pass on Gradescope, and points for style. Make sure your assignment compiles correctly through the provided Makefile on the pi-cluster. Any assignment that does not compile will receive 0 credit. This assignment will also have 3 points dedicated to style (see above ARM assembly style requirements). We will be comparing the standard out of your program to ours, so please ensure nothing else is printed than what is printed by the provided main. Slides and Video Slides Video
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