Barstow Community College Module 8 the American Civil War Discussion

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Barstow Community College


1.) At what point did the Civil War become inevitable? Or, if it there was never a point that it was inevitable, why is that the case? Your answer must include specific historical evidence for full credit.

2.) respond to two student posts below


Sally Oporto

The Civil War became inevitable when the South opened fire on Fort Sumter in 1861. The decision to do so made there no stopping it. The text book says " The loss of Fort Sumter in the harbor of Charleston, South Carolina proved to be the flashpoint in the contest between the new Confederacy and the federal government. (15.1 The Orgin's and outbreak of the Civil War-Fort Sumter). If they had not resorted to violence they could of had a convention with the government peoples and devised a plan. I think that they just needed to agree to disagree and compromise. The issue of slavery was so large to some of these people that there was almost as many slaves as fighting southerners. Looking at the differences in number of soldiers and people to fight in battle should have been enough for them to want to come to a reasonable compromise but they never really even tried that.


Jonashia Parker

I would say it became inevitable at Fort Sumter in 1861. I say this because even thought theirs were big differences between the North and the South slavery also made it inevitable with having that people in the South had slaves it was very important to them. After when shots were first at Fort Sumter it caused a lot of conflict. If shots were not fired it would have needed in a different way and if they would have taken negotiations and other documents before firing their would have not been a war at all.

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The American Civil War
Institutional Affiliation




The year 1861 marked a point when the American Civil war became inevitable. At this
point, the South and North had many differences that had built tensions over the years. The
South relied on Agriculture and slave labor as opposed to the North where less than half of the
population worked in the sector. The te...

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