Montgomery College Rockville Department of Homeland Security Threat Analysis

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Montgomery College Rockville Campus


Homeland Security

The United States' critical infrastructure—power, water, oil and natural gas, military systems, financial systems—have become the target of cyber and physical attacks as more critical infrastructure systems are integrated with the internet and other digital controls systems. The lesson learned in mitigating and defending against cyberattacks is that no entity can prevent or resolve cyberattacks on its own. Collaboration and information sharing are key for success and survival.

This is a group exercise, representing collaboration across all sectors to support and defend US critical infrastructure. In the working world, a team like this would include agencies, industrial partners, and private sector corporations. Each organization has different strengths and skills, different access to information, and different authorities to report to. When the sectors work together and share resources and skills, the result is that everyone benefits from the defense and protection of US IT infrastructure.

You can model the same collaboration, leveraging each other's expertise, sharing each other's knowledge, and teaching each other. This will include providing contributions specific to your role in the scenario:

Homeland Security Representative, special task

There are seven steps that will help you create your final deliverables. The deliverables for this project are as follows:

Security Assessment Report (SAR): double-spaced Word document with citations in APA format. The page count does not include figures, diagrams, tables, or citations.


After Action Report (AAR): double-spaced Word document with citations in APA format. The page count does not include figures, diagrams, tables, or citations.


Presentation: PowerPoint presentation for executives, along with a narrated or in-class presentation, summarizing your SAR and AAR reports.

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Homeland Security The United States' critical infrastructure—power, water, oil and natural gas, military systems, financial systems—have become the target of cyber and physical attacks as more critical infrastructure systems are integrated with the internet and other digital controls systems. The lesson learned in mitigating and defending against cyberattacks is that no entity can prevent or resolve cyberattacks on its own. Collaboration and information sharing are key for success and survival. This is a group exercise, representing collaboration across all sectors to support and defend US critical infrastructure. In the working world, a team like this would include agencies, industrial partners, and private sector corporations. Each organization has different strengths and skills, different access to information, and different authorities to report to. When the sectors work together and share resources and skills, the result is that everyone benefits from the defense and protection of US IT infrastructure. You can model the same collaboration, leveraging each other's expertise, sharing each other's knowledge, and teaching each other. This will include providing contributions specific to your role in the scenario: Homeland Security Representative, special task There are seven steps that will help you create your final deliverables. The deliverables for this project are as follows: Security Assessment Report (SAR): double-spaced Word document with citations in APA format. The page count does not include figures, diagrams, tables, or citations. After Action Report (AAR): double-spaced Word document with citations in APA format. The page count does not include figures, diagrams, tables, or citations. Presentation: PowerPoint presentation for executives, along with a narrated or in-class presentation, summarizing your SAR and AAR reports.
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After Action Report (AAR)

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Course Title:


After Action Report (AAR)
The new security measures employed by Homeland Security on its online security
systems should be evaluated to find out if they work effectively. This AAR provides details of
the methodologies suggested and employed in the security assessment report. The report
provides an in-depth analysis of how each methodology was employed to enhance the security
system of the online security systems (Alani, 2016). The objectives, critical analysis of tasks,
and recommendations to increase the security levels are also provided.
Objectives and Goals
The main objective of this AAR is to let management analyze if the methodologies
employed in the enhancement of the security system in the SAR are working out as planned.
From the analysis of the situation, new recommendations and methodologies can be made
available to even make better the security of the organization’s database. When an analysis is
done, it is easy to note the mistakes done in the initial setup. Thus, making amendments is easy.
Outcome Analysis.
The AAR also intends to provide data for data-driven decisions. This is an assessment
that focuses on cloud computing technologies. With the cloud, the concept of big data is in use. It
is easy to make an informed judgment based on the kind of information one has. For the DHS,
the assessment will provide management with ready answers. This is vital as it will facilitate the
problem-solving process. It will be easy for the management to see areas that need immediate


Critical Analysis of critical tasks
The main objective of the entire program was to enhance the security of online systems.
Thus, the critical task was the installation of critical and safe security measures to reduce data
breaches through hacking. The first and critical step was informing and educating the workforce
about the small practices that increase vulnerability in the organization. The process entailed
conducting seminars within the premises.
The management team employed three computer science and programming experts to
share knowledge on the internet of things. Employees were taught in shifts about ethical
practices that involved many things. The strategy worked as many were now able to see how
they may become a danger to the information systems. Some of the key gains from the task
include the following:
❖ The employees started taking care of personal communication gadgets like phones that
they used to complete some of the office tasks. There are several disadvantages of
allowing employees to use their own devices in the workplace. The gadgets are not well
equipped with security measures that can prevent data breaching. Furthermore, they can
get lost a...

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