The Holy Bible the Book of Esther the King of Persia & King Xerxes Discussion

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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.Here ypu go. 😇

The book of Esther is special and unique because it is the only book in the bible that does
not mention God. Some believe that God did this because He wanted to show that even when He
seems distant from His people, He is still working in their lives. The story begins with a King
who is drunk at a party calling for his beautiful wife to show her off to his friends. She refuses to
come; the King banishes her, so the quest for a new queen begins.
This is when we are introduced to Esther and Mordecai. Esther is a beautiful woman
whose family is Jewish. After King Xerxes banishes his Queen, he calls for all the beautiful
women in the land to appear before him to choose a new queen. Against this backdrop, there is
the evil Haman; he despised Mordecai and wants him all the Jews to be killed.
Esther is selected by the King to be his new queen. So the story from here goes to
Haman’s plot to have all the Jews killed by having the King issued a decree, to Queen Esther
having to risk her life to save her people and tell the King of Haman’s evil plot, which leads to
Haman being killed, and Mordecai taking over for Haman.
This story is interesting because the whole story plays out like a fairytale. A young
Jewish woman is selected to be queen by the King of Persia. Then the Queen must save her
people, and because of the position she’s in, she can save her people even though she might die
because the Persian law says that if the King doesn’t want to see and you haven’t been called to
see him, you must be put to death. To which Esther answers, “If I perish, I perish.”
The story does indeed contain a happy ending in which the King has another decree
issued, and instead of all the Jews being killed, they can fight and kill all of their enemies. So
Esther risked her life and was saved...

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