Future University in Egypt MRSA Case Study

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Future University in Egypt


Be sure to:

  1. Measure zones of inhibition
  2. Create Tables as Charts as directed in the Case Study
  3. Calculate Averages (You do not need to calculate Standard Deviation Or Standard Error)
  4. Answer the seven questions at the end of the Case Stud
  5. Questions1.

  6. What do you think the experimental question is?
    Click here to enter text.2. What hypotheses can you come up with to answer the experimental question? Click here to enter text.3. If your hypothesis is correct, what would the plates look like (i.e., what predictions would you make for each hypothesis)? Click here to enter text.4. Is the experiment you just collected data for an appropriate test of the experimental question you came up with in your answer to Question 1? Click here to enter text.5. Which antibiotics where most effective against S. aureus? Which antibiotics where most effective against MRSA? Click here to enter text.6. When comparing the antibiotics effective against both, were there differences in effectiveness? Click here to enter text.7. What other questions do the data shown in Figure 1 make you think of? Click here to enter text.

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Microbiology Bio 214 Case Study MRSA Case Study Part I – Measuring Resistance Katelyn was excited to start her summer job in her microbiology professor’s research laboratory. She had enjoyed Dr. Johnson’s class, and when she saw the flyer recruiting undergraduate lab assistants for the summer, she had jumped at the opportunity. She was looking forward to making new discoveries in the lab. On her first day, she was supposed to meet with Dr. Johnson to talk about what she would be doing. She knew the lab focused on antibiotic resistance in Staphylococcus aureus especially MRSA (methicillin-resistant S. aureus). She still remembered the scare her family had last year when her little brother, Jimmy, got so sick. He had been playing in the neighborhood playground and cut his lip when he fell off the jungle gym. Of course, he always had cuts and scrapes—he was a five-year-old boy! This time though his lip swelled up and he developed a fever. When her mother took him to the doctor, the pediatrician said the cut was infected and had prescribed cephalothin, an antibiotic related to penicillin, and recommended flushing the cut regularly to help clear up the infection. Two days later, Jimmy was in the hospital with a fever of 103°F, coughing up blood and having trouble breathing. The emergency room doctors told the family that Jimmy had developed pneumonia. They started him on IV antibiotics, including ceftriaxone and nafcillin, both also relatives of penicillin. It was lucky for Jimmy that one of the doctors decided to check for MRSA, because that is what it was! MRSA is resistant to most of the penicillin derivatives. Most cases of MRSA are hospitalacquired from patients who are already susceptible to infection, but the ER doctor explained that community-acquired MRSA was becoming more common. The doctor then switched the treatment to vancomycin, a completely different kind of antibiotic, and Jimmy got better quickly after that. Katelyn had dropped Jimmy off at swimming lessons just before coming to work at the lab. As she waited in the hallway for Dr. Johnson, she hoped that she would be at least a small part of helping other people like Jimmy deal with these scary resistant microbes. She was surprised when the professor burst out of the lab, almost running into her. “Hi Katelyn, I’m really sorry but I have to run to a meeting right now—they sprung it on me last minute. There are bunches of plates in the incubator right now that need their zones of inhibition measured. I’ll be back in a few hours,” Dr. Johnson said as he rushed down the hallway with a stack of folders. Katelyn dug out her old lab notebook to look up what she was supposed to do. She found the lab where she and her fellow students had examined the antimicrobial properties of antibiotics using the Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion technique. Looking at Microbiology Bio 214 Case Study the plates Dr. Johnson had told her about, she saw they had all been “lawned,” or completely coated with microbes to make a thick hazy layer over the agar surface. She could also see paper disks with letters on them, and some of the disks had clear zones around them where the microbe had been inhibited (Fig. 1). Her notebook explained how to measure the zone of inhibition around the disks (Fig. 2). Microbiology Bio 214 Case Study MRSA S. aureus Plate 1. PE VA PE VA ME CE ME CE MRSA S. aureus Plate 2. PE ME VA PE VA CE ME CE S. aureus Plate 3. PE ME MRSA VA CE PE VA ME CE Microbiology Bio 214 Case Study Exercise 1 Measure the zones of inhibition for each antibiotic on the plates shown in Figure 1 and note the measurements in the spaces in Table 1 below. (Note: Th e Kirby-Bauer method is standardized so that no zone of inhibition is scored as a 0, and all others include the disk as part of the zone.) Key: PE = penicillin, ME = methicillin, CE = cephalothin, and VA = vancomycin Plate S. aureus PE ME 1 CE VA PE ME 2 CE VA MRSA Microbiology Bio 214 Case Study Plate S. aureus MRSA PE ME 3 CE VA An average, or mean (x), is a measure of central tendency in the data, or what value occurs in the middle of the data set. The mean is calculated by adding up all the values for a given set of data, then dividing by the sample size Average 𝑥 = ∑𝑛 𝑖=0 𝑋𝑖 𝑛 Exercise 2 In Table 2 below calculate and record the averages and standard errors for each antibiotic in S. aureus and MRSA. S. aureus MRSA Average Average PE ME CE VA Exercise 3 Now, redraw Tables 1 and 2 into a single, more organized table. Be sure to label the table appropriately. Click here to redraw table. Microbiology Bio 214 Case Study Exercise 4 Graph the results from Table 2. Be sure to label the figure and the axes correctly. Graph the results here. Microbiology Bio 214 Case Study Questions 1. What do you think the experimental question is? Click here to enter text. 2. What hypotheses can you come up with to answer the experimental question? Click here to enter text. 3. If your hypothesis is correct, what would the plates look like (i.e., what predictions would you make for each hypothesis)? Click here to enter text. 4. Is the experiment you just collected data for an appropriate test of the experimental question you came up with in your answer to Question 1? Click here to enter text. 5. Which antibiotics where most effective against S. aureus? Which antibiotics where most effective against MRSA? Click here to enter text. 6. When comparing the antibiotics effective against both, were there differences in effectiveness? Click here to enter text. 7. What other questions do the data shown in Figure 1 make you think of? Click here to enter text. *Modified from Antibiotic Resistance: Can We Ever Win?, case study by Maureen Leonard, The National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science, University at Buffalo, State University of New York.
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Microbiology Bio 214
Case Study

MRSA Case Study
Part I – Measuring Resistance
Katelyn was excited to start her summer job in her microbiology professor's research
laboratory. She had enjoyed Dr. Johnson's class, and when she saw the flyer recruiting
undergraduate lab assistants for the summer, she had jumped at the opportunity. She was
looking forward to making discoveries in the lab. On her first day, she was supposed to meet
with Dr. Johnson to talk about what she would be doing. She knew the lab focused on antibiotic
resistance in Staphylococcus aureus especially MRSA (methicillin-resistant S. aureus).
She still remembered the scare her family had last year when her little brother, Jimmy, got so
sick. He had been playing in the neighborhood playground and cut his lip when he fell off the
jungle gym. Of course, he always had cuts and scrapes—he was a five-year-old boy! This time
though his lip swelled up and he developed a fever. When her mother took him to the doctor,
the pediatrician said the cut was infected and had prescribed cephalothin, an antibiotic related
to penicillin, and recommended flushing the cut regularly to help clear up the infection.
Two days later, Jimmy was in the hospital with a fever of 103°F, coughing up blood and having
trouble breathing. The emergency room doctors told the family that Jimmy had developed
pneumonia. They started him on IV antibiotics, including ceftriaxone and nafcillin, both also
relatives of penicillin.
It was lucky for Jimmy that one of the doctors decided to check for MRSA because that is what
it was! MRSA is resistant to most of the penicillin derivatives. Most cases of MRSA are hospitalacquired from patients who are already susceptible to infection, but the ER doctor explained
that community-acquired MRSA was becoming more common. The doctor then switched the
treatment to vancomycin, a completely different kind of antibiotic, and Jimmy got better
quickly after that.
Katelyn had dropped Jimmy off at swimming lessons just before coming to work at the lab. As
she waited in the hallway for Dr. Johnson, she hoped that she would be at least a small part of
helping other people like Jimmy deal with these scary resistant microbes. She was surprised
when the professor burst out of the lab, almost running into her.
"Hi Katelyn, I'm sorry but I have to run to a meeting right now—they sprung it on me last
minute. There are bunches of plates in the incubator right now that need their zones of
inhibition measured. I’ll be back in a few hours,” Dr. Johnson said as he rushed down the
hallway with a stack of folders. Katelyn dug out her old lab notebook to look up what she was
supposed to do. She found the lab where she and her fellow students had examined the
antimicrobial properties of antibiotics using the Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion technique. Looking at

Microbiology Bio 214
Case Study

the plates Dr. Johnson had told her about, she saw they had all been “lawned,” or completely
coated with microbes to make a thick hazy layer over the agar surface. She could also see paper
disks wi...

I was struggling with this subject, and this helped me a ton!


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