OPS 574 University of Phoenix Process Improvement Flowchart & Executive Summary

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Business Finance

OPS 574

University of Phoenix



Assignment Content

  1. The purpose of this assignment is to learn how to create a flowchart and improve a process and summarize the results. You will create a process to improve flowcharts.

    Complete the Week 1 Process Improvement Flowchart Worksheet.

    Cite references to support your assignment.
    Format your citations according to APA guidelines.
    Submit your assignment.


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Explanation & Answer

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OPS/574 v1

Process Improvement Flowchart
As-Is Process Flow Chart Evaluation
Select a process from an organization you work for or are familiar with. You will use this
process in your Week 2 & Week 4 Signature Assignments as well.
Create a flowchart of the as-is process using Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Vizio, or Excel.


Start Repair



Evaluate the efficacy of your process using process improvement techniques.
One of the process from an organization I’m familiar with involves the repair and
improvement of business and consumer electronics. The organization receives the products
from a client, identifies problems, starts the repair and completes the repair. The approach is
ineffective and may provide major challenges to the process of repairing electronics. Although
it achieves its goals, it may also contribute to problems such financial losses and poor time
management as technicians spend most of their time working on products that cannot be
repaired or improved. There is no process where the technicians determine whether a product
can be repaired or not. Instead, they labor with the process and handle all equipment which
may not be repairable, hence, wasting time and much needed resources that could be focused
on other areas. Improving this process will optimize the process, improve time management
and improve quality of services rendered.

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