HUN 1201 Miami Dade College Popular Press Nutrition Article Review Paper

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Health Medical

HUN 1201

Miami Dade College



Writing a 500 word essay on this article with the questions and article attached.

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Nutrition Article Review #1 – Popular Press For this class there are two (2) required article reviews. This is the first required article review project. Your first article can be from an online popular press sources, such as Men’s Health, Science Daily, Prevention, etc. The article should have been written less than 6 months ago. [A great free source is sciencedaily/health_medicine/nutrition]. Your nutrition-related popular press article review should be about 500 words in essay form that answers the following: 1. Define the claims or facts cited in the article. Include:    Target group who will be affected Time-period before health change to be expected Nature of the outcome (health benefits) 2. Identify any adverse effects that may have been noted and any potential problems that may arise due to following the nutritional practice over a period of time. 3. Evaluate the validity of the nutritional claims. Substantiate or refute the claims with sound scientific evidence. The evidence must be from medical professionals, such as dietitians and physicians. Be objective in formulating your conclusions. 4. Weight the evidence and formulate your review. Provide your rational. 5. Outline what action you will take to provide factual nutrition information.    Provide factual nutrition information Promote good food habits among various individuals Help maintain the nutritional health of the general public. 6. At the bottom of your word document please include a hyperlink to the source of the article in your review. All projects are turned in online only via Blackboard assignment ‘drop-box.’ Note: Project25 points – Article Review submitted online via Blackboard assignment ‘drop-box.’
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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.Here you go. I used a study on dietary supplements and COVID infection rates. I included a graph and also citations for several supporting sites. Let me know if this is OK and as always, thank you very much =)

HUN1201 Nutrition Article Review:
Dietary Supplements and COVID

In the April 19, 2021 article, researchers discuss their findings from an extensive app based study
on whether dietary supplements had any effect on the risk of COVID-19 infection. The
hypothesis being that, through the use of specific supplements, the risk of infection can be
significantly reduced in the general public. The study, performed with the cooperation of
445,850 participants from the UK, United States and Sweden, was designed to determine the
infection rate of members that had, for a 90-day window during the summer of 2020, been
regularly taking supplements. The regimen specifically included vitamin D, probiotics, omega-3
fatty acids and multivitamins, any, or all, taken regularly.
The test results for SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for the COVID-19 infection, were
examined with the supplement and non-supplement groups and the rates compared....

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