Calculus 2 Questions

User Generated




I need helping solving some problems of:

i) How to compute integrals, including approximate integration and improper integrals

-The knowledge of how to use the trapezoidal rule, the mid-point rule, and Simpson's rule to approximate a definite integral

-know how to properly set up and evaluate improper integrals (written and evaluated as limits!)

ii) The meaning/interpretation of integrals and how we can use them. In particular you need to know how to compute arc-length, surface area, and centers-of-mass (centroids)

iii) The convergence/divergence of infinite series

-Be able to recognize certain types of infinite series (such as geometric series and p-series)

-know how to use all six series tests to determine the convergence or divergence of series.

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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.this is for 5 😊
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