GEOL 2010 University of Leeds Geology Stereonets Test

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GEOL 2010

University of Leeds



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GEOL 2010 Stereonets test Name: Student Number: Answer all questions; return this paper with answers and tracing paper with your drawings, (the overall mark for the test is 22, each question has a total mark of 2 for each correct answer, in addition 10 marks are given for the correct drawing of planes and lines) Orientation of two limbs of a fold is determined as: 50/70SE and 20/60SE 1. Determine orientation of fold axis (hinge) 2. Determine pitch of the fold axis on both limbs 3. Determine angle between two limbs Two sets of mineral lineations were measured in two locations as: 15→140 and 70→220 4. Determine orientation of the plane containing these lineations 5. Determine apparent dip of this plane on the east to west cross section 6. Determine angle between two sets of lineations
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