Saint Leo University Reducing Incest Crimes in America Essay

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Saint Leo University


A written exercise, APA format, 1100 words, to include abstract, headers, citations, conclusions, references, no running headers and no contractions. Minimum of 3 references

On the following topic: As if you were a policy analyst for a criminal justice consortium, outline and discuss some possible strategies for reducing the crime of incest in this country. Be sure to support your claims with peer-reviewed journal articles.

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Explanation & Answer

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Incest Reduction Strategy Outline
Title: Reducing the prevalence of incest within the American communities.
Statement of Problem: Lack of proper knowledge and research to allow society to accept incest
as a major crime that should be discussed rather than stereotyped and assumed.
Strategies Implemented:
Strategy one

Transforming the law and court system on how they view incest.

Educating teachers and public health workers on social and psychological
aspect that act as sign of Incest victims.
Strategy Two

Proper medical examinations done, both physical and psychological.
Strategy Three

Introducing more open platforms for discussion and people coming out about
their experiences.

The numbers collected from the victims will help make the policies and laws



Reducing Incest Crimes in America

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Reducing Incest
Incest has been considered a violation of cultural and traditional norms, making it a
crime in modern society. However, there have been debates and controversies surrounding the
policies and laws implemented within the fifty American states. According to Junior (2017),
incest is "the practice of sexual intercourse between persons with degrees of kinship, which may
be a short or long-term relationship, with or without generation of children." Incest has received
a lot of Attention in America for decades, whereby it is viewed as a cultural taboo. However,
some cultures don't perceive it that way, making it very controversial. Research is required to
determine the impact and level of incest in America in order to come up with treatment,
prevention, and reduction strategies.
A study done by Kinsey in the year 1948 suggested that incest was so rare in America
and didn't require mention (Daily, 2021).However, Stark's ...

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