SOCI 1001S Walden University Sociological Theories And Perspectives Essay

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SOCI 1001S

Walden University



To prepare for this Final Essay:

  • Be sure to complete all the Interactive Units before writing the essay. Consider the ways that social institutions contribute to the formation of society’s values. For example, how is the social institution that you selected portrayed in the media? What current problems or issues is the institution facing?
  • Create a list of the possible social problems that you could explore in your final essay. You might want to do some brainstorming on the topic by listing the institution and the number of ways that it contributes to the transmission of society’s values. Describe both your selected institution and the social problem that you would like to address.
  • Use the feedback that you received on your Rough Draft Essay To prepare for this Final Essay:
    Be sure to complete all the Interactive Units before writing the essay. Consider the ways that social institutions contribute to the formation of society’s values. For example, how is the social institution that you selected portrayed in the media? What current problems or issues is the institution facing?Create a list of the possible social problems that you could explore in your final essay. You might want to do some brainstorming on the topic by listing the institution and the number of ways that it contributes to the transmission of society’s values. Describe both your selected institution and the social problem that you would like to address.Use the feedback that you received on your Rough Draft Essay Worksheet to inform your construction of this Final Essay.The Assignment:
    Compose a 3- to 5-page essay in which you:
    Describe the theoretical perspective (functionalist, conflict, or interactionist) to which you relate the most and why.Briefly describe how the social institution (e.g., family, religion, education, or government) you selected in the Rough Draft Essay Worksheet Assignment and briefly describe how this social institution contributes to the transmission of society’s values.Identify and state a problem or issue related to that social institution, and use at least one theoretical perspective to describe the social problem.Conduct research to learn more about the problem. Use the information that you find to create evidence to explore the social institution and social problem in the context of a changing society.Describe at least one recommendation that you would make to the social institution to encourage positive social change. How could the social problem be better addressed?Refer to at least two specific examples from the Interactive Units or Required Resources. Be sure to use evidence to support your claims by citing your source. An example of an acceptable citation: “According to the Culture Module of Interactive Unit 2.” Please include an APA Style cover page and reference page (these do not count toward the length requirement).
    to inform your construction of this Final Essay.

The Assignment:

Compose a 3- to 5-page essay in which you:

  • Describe the theoretical perspective (functionalist, conflict, or interactionist) to which you relate the most and why.
  • Briefly describe how the social institution (e.g., family, religion, education, or government) you selected in the Rough Draft Essay Worksheet Assignment and briefly describe how this social institution contributes to the transmission of society’s values.
  • Identify and state a problem or issue related to that social institution, and use at least one theoretical perspective to describe the social problem.
  • Conduct research to learn more about the problem. Use the information that you find to create evidence to explore the social institution and social problem in the context of a changing society.
  • Describe at least one recommendation that you would make to the social institution to encourage positive social change. How could the social problem be better addressed?

Refer to at least two specific examples from the Interactive Units or Required Resources. Be sure to use evidence to support your claims by citing your source. An example of an acceptable citation: “According to the Culture Module of Interactive Unit 2.” Please include an APA Style cover page and reference page (these do not count toward the length requirement).

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SOCI 1001S Rough Draft Essay Worksheet This Worksheet is designed to help you better understand the three sociological perspectives and social institutions, and to help you organize your thoughts for writing your Final Essay, due in Week 6. As you complete each section, keep in mind that you will be transferring and expanding upon this information in your Week 6 Final Essay assignment. Compare and contrast each of the three major sociological perspectives (functionalism, conflict, and symbolic interactionism) discussed in Unit 1 of the Interactive Units. Be sure to address the similarities and differences between each of the three perspectives. Note: When looking for similarities, consider what matches in the perspectives, or theories. How are these things similar to each other? If you took notes while you were reading, you would be able to review those and look for paired concepts. When I compare Functionalism, Conflict, and Symbolic I find that Functionalism and Conflict theory both focus on the Bigger picture in society, while Symbolic interaction focus’ more on the in the moment (day to day). Also, Conflict and functionalism both are Microanalytic perspectives that look at things from a bigger and broader scale. Symbolic looks at things from a small view . © 2019 Laureate Education, Inc. Page 1 of 4 Select and state one social institution (education, family, or government, as discussed in Unit 1 of the Interactive Units) to analyze. Identify and discuss a social issue or problem related to the social institution. Note: Pick a social institution that you would enjoy exploring and reflecting upon. For example, if you are a parent experiencing the challenges of raising a teen, you could write about the social institution of the family. A social institution I will choose to research is Government. I want to research the Climate for justice. I choose this Topic to research because I feel that in today’s world finding justice has been a huge topic. I would like to do the proper research to understand how the Justice system works and why we can’t have a more structured. I hope to find the justice system is operated by old laws and its truly hard to get a law to pass for change. This research will help me to better understand the position of a politician when they tried to pass a law that will change the justice system. I also want to understand the process of the laws getting passed. © 2019 Laureate Education, Inc. Page 2 of 4 Write three small paragraphs (2-3 sentences each)—one for each sociological perspective—in which you describe your chosen social institution from the perspectives of functionalism, conflict, and symbolic interactionism. For each paragraph, refer to at least one specific example from the Interactive Units or Required Resources to support your statements. In other words, support your ideas with evidence by connecting them to Interactive Unit content; the Resources; or something that you have read, heard, seen, or experienced. Cite your sources. Acceptable citations include “According to the Stanford Social Institutions website…”, “According to a January 5, 2015 article in the New York Times…”, and “According to Unit 1 in the Interactive Units…” For more information on how to use evidence in an essay, please review the Walden Writing Center’s material on using evidence: Functionalism: I will be focusing on how the justice system works to help our society and how it effects our justice climate. According to “Climate Movement Could Radically Transform Criminal System” September 20, 2019 article on, “A growing body of evidence reveals that people of color and low-income persons have borne greater environmental risks than society at large.” So, I would like to elaborate on that. Conflict Theory: We all know that the conflict theory in implemented by knowing that the powerful politicians create laws and base their decisions on the color of someone’s skin or that they are simply less fortunate. According to, the purpose of the justice system is to enforce the law and defend the interests of the United States according to the law; to ensure public safety against threats foreign and domestic; to provide federal leadership in preventing and controlling crime; to seek just punishment for those guilty of unlawful behavior. However, studies show that there are curtain basisin play. Symbolic interaction: In symbolic Interaction, I will analyze and research how some judges make decisions based off appearances and how that plays apart in our justice climate. Justice climate increases when society feels like something was not far and/ or was unjust. According to Unit 1 Foundation of Sociology, when applying symbolic-interaction perspective would be the way someone reactions if you were in a uniform or your appearance is unkept. © 2019 Laureate Education, Inc. Page 3 of 4 Create a rough draft of an introduction and conclusion you might use in your Final Essay. State your thesis statement clearly in each and support that thesis with three main points. The introduction and conclusion should mirror each other but contain fresh language. In other words, the conclusion should not be a word-for-word restatement of the introduction or the thesis. The Justice system has always been a topic of conversation, especially in our society today. The climate of justice has been at it all time high. Due to that injustice and the way some police treat people of color one way and other races another way. This matter make people want to make change and protest for change. I will be touching on a few sociological prosective diving in deeper to why our Justice system is how it Is today. In conclusion, Our justice system is complicated and very hard to change. However, we are experiencing things changing in our justice system. In society today, people are becoming way more vocal about what isn’t right and things that need to change to make a better America. I think if we keep this momentum going them we will defy the odds and do the impossible. © 2019 Laureate Education, Inc. Page 4 of 4
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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.Hi, please note that I only used the conflict theory. I felt that it explains the climate of justice issue better especially regarding the issue of partial treatment of people of color and other minorities. Therefore, I limited the argument to the least requirement [1].

Outline for Sociological Theories

States objective and thesis statement

Discusses the following:
1. The Theoretical Perspective I relate the most: Conflict Theory
2. The government and its role in cultivating social values
3. The climate of justice
4. Evidence of the climate of justice
5. A recommendation I would make to the institution

Summary of the paper


Sources used in the paper


Sociological Theories/Perspectives

Student’s Name
Institution Affiliation

Sociological Theories/Perspectives
Sociological theories are critical in explaining issues plaguing society. This paper
discusses the perspective I relate to the most, the government institution—the judiciary and
climate of change as the issue affecting it. The paper also provides evidence for the same and
makes a recommendation in solving the problem. The climate of change is an issue plaguing the
judiciary arm of the government and needs change.
The Theoretical Perspective I relate the most: Conflict Theory
Karl Max came up with the Conflict theory. The conflict theory is one of the most
significant sociological perspectives essential in analyzing social problems. According to Karl
Max, society will forever be in a state of conflict due to the unavoidable competition for limited
resources (Simon, 2016)...

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