Pasadena City College The Epic of Gilgamesh and Afterlife History Discussion

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Pasadena City College


  1. Conduct research to learn about the origins and context of The Epic of Gilgamesh.
  2. Then, read about the afterlife in The Epic of Gilgamesh.
  3. Respond to the following questions in a cohesive essay, with an introduction, a series of body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Incorporate direct references to the primary source(s).
    • What is the historical setting for this document?
    • What is the afterlife like according to this document?
    • How does this ancient Mesopotamian perspective compare to your own?

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Explanation & Answer

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The Epic of Gilgamesh and Afterlife



Authors Note


The Epic of Gilgamesh and Afterlife


Historical Setting of Gilgamesh
The context of Gilgamesh emanates from the ancient culture of Mesopotamia.
Mesopotamia is around the Euphrates and Tigris River which is part of Iraq, Syria, and Turkey.
Gilgamesh's story is affiliated to the Sumerian civilization which dominated the region from 3500
to 2350 BCE. The greatest city during the time was Uruk which is known as Warka in the present
day. Gilgamesh's periodic setting was affected by the invention of cuneiform writing which made
it easier for the region to trade and keep financial records. Gilgamesh is based on an epic
understanding that ruled Uruk during the 2700 BCE before the icon was officiated into being a
legend. The historic period signified a core agenda that people believed in superhuman. The temple
was a focal notation of the city and religion was a daily norm. The king- Gilgamesh represented
the patron god of the city. Gilgamesh strengthened temples, canals, walls of the city and roads,
and the economic business.
There were many gods at the ti...

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