ENGL 101 Those Winter Sundays Poem Questions

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ENGL 101



hello (Today we will read Lucille Clifton’s “forgiving my father” and Robert Hayden’s “Those Winter Sundays.” You will include one or both of these poems in your comparative essay for next week. For today, go through all seven discussion questions (three following Clifton, four following Hayden), and answer them in order. Answer them in numbered sequence (bullet list is fine), but make sure you answer them in complete sentences)

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Comparative Analysis Working with Intertextuality Reminder: What is “intertextuality?” • Think back to when we first encountered the idea of “intertextuality in Unit 2: • Like cultural/historical analysis, comparative analysis is based on the idea of intertextuality. • Intertextuality is concerned with the relationships between texts and operates under the notion that reading and writing do not take place in a vacuum. • Texts interact with one another in a variety of ways, sometimes by directly responding to other texts, sometimes by intentionally copying aspects of another text, and other times by interacting accidentally or subconsciously with other texts. So what is Comparative Analysis? • Comparative analysis is an analysis that compares and contrasts two or more texts in order to create an interpretation of meaning. • Examples of comparative analysis could be: • Comparing and contrasting Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man as a way of arguing that Ellison’s text is a retelling of Shelley’s and deals with the same concerns regarding subjectivity and ‘otherness.’ • Comparing and contrasting the portrayal of fatherhood in A Quiet Place and “My Papa’s Waltz,” “forgiving my father,” and/or “Those Winter Sundays.” Remember: • A comparative analysis is not just a list of similarities or differences between two texts. • It is an examination of how these similarities and differences interact, why/how they came to be, and what their significance is. • Comparative analysis uses the similarities and differences in a text as evidence for arguing for deeper meanings in texts. Why do a comparative analysis? • Because intertextuality is everywhere, and all kinds of texts are constantly interacting – whether on purpose or not. • A comparative analysis can help you see one or more texts in an entirely new way, one that you never considered before. • Doing a comparative analysis helps strengthen your critical thinking skills because it requires you to notice similarities, differences, and make connections that perhaps others wouldn’t see. Intertextuality Exercise (Comp. Notebook Entry #11) • Using your phone (or your computer if you have it with you), look up at least three different definitions/descriptions of the term “intertextuality.” • Write down all three definitions in your composition notebook. • Then, come up with your own unique definition of intertextuality. • Finally, reflect on and write a paragraph or list of ways that you approach and interact with intertextuality in your own life: in your coursework, in your personal/social life, in your professional interests, etc. Do you always consciously notice these interactions? How does intertextuality affect your understanding of the world?
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Explanation & Answer

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Discussion Questions
Thesis Statement N/A

Forgiving my Father
o Question 1
o Question 2
o Question 3

Those Winter Sundays
o Question 1
o Question 2
o Question 3
o Question 4


Discussion Questions


Discussion Questions

Forgiving my Father
Question 1
The concept of payment is important in the poem as it portrays the main theme as well as
the situation within the story; poverty and deceit. Here, Clifton deploys instances and
terminologies of payment by bringing into perspective the dad's financial situation (he is poor)
and how much he owes the mother (figuratively). Based on the words and phrases related t...

I was struggling with this subject, and this helped me a ton!


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