George Mason University Popular Group of Cybercriminals in the World Today Discussion

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Computer Science

George Mason University



U.S. Government Issues Powerful Security Alert: Upgrade VPN Or Expect Cyber-Attacks, discuss, investigate and provide feedback to your classmates on how VPN can be vulnerable.

Assignment 2 :

Investigate and research the recent Colonial Pipeline cyberattack and provide feedback/update on the nature of the attack why it happened ,who is responsible, and in your opinion what could have been done to avoid such attack?

Assignment 3 :

Defense Begins with Eliminating Vulnerabilities Defense against attacks begins with elimination of vulnerabilities. Vulnerabilities are exploited by attackers to gain access to a system. Minimization of vulnerabilities is one of the foundational elements of defense.

Obtain a copy of the nmap scanning tool. Explore the various command-line options to scan networks, fingerprint operating systems, and perform other network-mapping functions.Provide a screenshot of your installation in the submission folder specified "Nmap". ( I uploaded the presentation file you might need it.

\Assignment 4 : In week 7, we spent time discussing cyber security and DRP/BCP auditing. After listening to the lecture, please answer one of the following two questions:

1. Discuss the different types of "information assets" that must be protected by the company (PII, ePHI, Intellectual Property, etc) and the potential business impacts in the event of a breach.

2. Identify 2-3 common cybersecurity policies and discuss their objectives, content and benefits.

week 7 lecture Passcode: N!0NFm6c

Assignment 5: in week 8, we developed an understanding of the NIST Cybersecurity Framework and how it may be used to assess cybersecurity risk.

After listening to the lecture, please respond to two of the following three items:

1. For each of the five core functions of NIST (identify, protect, detect, respond, recover), choose one category (e.g. asset management, access control) and provide an example of one potential risk.

2. Describe the five step Cybersecurity Asessment methodology and provide a detailed explanation of how two of the five steps are executed.

3. Explain why it is important to classify information assets and describe techniques to identify them in the company's business and IT environment.

Week 8 lecture Passcode: D2$CA7Jh

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Vulnerability Scan; Nessus ◼ Vulnerability Scan  Approaches  Realistic Expectations  Nessus NET 477, Network Security, Spring 2021 6-1 Vulnerability Testing FAQ’s ◼ What is it?  Using programs/tools/scripts to test a host (or range of hosts) for vulnerabilities. ◼ Why do it?  To Be Secure  To attempt to keep Hackers Out  Live an easier life ◼ Not filling out incident reports and dealing with authorities. NET 477, Network Security, Spring 2021 6-2 Approaches ◼ Administrative approach       From the perspective of an authenticated administrator Example: Microsoft’s Security Baseline Scanner Need credentials (user name and passwords) to detect missing patches, insecure configuration settings, potentially vulnerable client-side software Check registry information Advantage – usually does not adversely affect the tested systems. Disadvantage - uses standard Windows administrative channels. Vulnerabilities in systems configured with another authentication method may be missed. NET 477, Network Security, Spring 2021 6-3 Approaches (contd.) ◼ Outsider Approach  Take the perspective of a malicious outsider trying to break into the system  Good for networks with many different operating systems and devices.  If the system is behind a firewall, only exposed services will be tested.  May crash systems/networks  Standalone or Subscription ◼ ◼ ◼ E.g. Nessus ; and Qualys Hybrid Approach  Example: Nessus and Beyond Trust Retina NET 477, Network Security, Spring 2021 6-4 Realistic Expectations Performing vulnerability scanning may lead to network outage ◼ Consecutive assessment reports may be inconsistent – why??? ◼ False positives ◼ Manual security audits still provide better results than automated tools ◼ NET 477, Network Security, Spring 2021 6-5 Nessus ( ) ◼ ◼ Free prior to Version 3. To Nessus 3 released under a proprietary license to meet market demands. Subscriptions remain free for home users and non-profit organizations. Formerly know as Nessus Home, now Nessus Essentials.  essentials   You will use Nessus for HW #4. NET 477, Network Security, Spring 2021 6-6 Results Once you finish scanning, what next? ◼ Distribute the results to either the system administrators, or patch for the vulnerabilities, according to the instructions. ◼ NET 477, Network Security, Spring 2021 6-7 Where to Scan From A dedicated machine(s) ◼ HIGH Network Throughput ◼ Some place that has access to ALL machines ◼ Inside your Firewall ◼ Outside your Firewall ◼ Be careful: may lead to application and network outages. ◼ NET 477, Network Security, Spring 2021 6-8 How Often? ◼ As often as possible  Administrators ◼ Whenever a new exploit comes out  Status ◼ will “kill” you at some point. of patch deployment As frequent as possible from outside your firewall.  Those are your most “vulnerable” machines  They have conduits to allow outside access NET 477, Network Security, Spring 2021 6-9 In “real-life” do we do vulnerability scans? Yes! Very often. ◼ Sometime mandated security audits, vulnerability scans, compliance review. ◼ NET 477, Network Security, Spring 2021 6-10 Nessus Components Nessus Client and Server (See diagram on the next slide) ◼ The Nessus Plugins – written in NASL – Nessus Attack Scripting Language, for creating custom vulnerability tests. ◼  plugins ◼ The Nessus Knowledge Base – Store values gleaned by some Plugins which can be used by other Plugins NET 477, Network Security, Spring 2021 6-11 NET 477, Network Security, Spring 2021 6-12 Nessus Client/Server (Web Interface) NET 477, Network Security, Spring 2021 6-13 To Start or Stop Nessus Server The following is for Windows. It must be run with administrator privilege. For other operating systems, see the user manuals. C:\Windows\system32>net stop "Tenable Nessus" The Tenable Nessus service is stopping. The Tenable Nessus service was stopped successfully. C:\Windows\system32>net start "Tenable Nessus" The Tenable Nessus service is starting. The Tenable Nessus service was started successfully. C:\Windows\system32> NOTE: It’s recommended to install Nessus Server on a Windows Server for performance and scan reliability. NET 477, Network Security, Spring 2021 6-14
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Explanation & Answer

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1. Title page
2. Computer Science Discussions
a. Assignment 1
b. Assignment 2
c. Assignment 3
d. Assignment 4
e. Assignment 5
3. References


Computer Science Discussions

Date of submission

Assignment 1
VPN could be vulnerable to cyberattacks if not properly secured. Security experts use
VPN to share Intranet services in the public domain. On the other hand, cybercriminals use VPN
to conceal their identities and access databases and networks anonymously (Bansode & Girdhar,
2021). Today, more organizations depend on VPN because of the new working from home order
that is a result of the pandemic. VPN has a total of 479 vulnerabilities, most of which exist
because of the old versions of VPN that are still in use (Bansode & Girdhar, 2021). The common
attacks and threats against VPN include Man in the Middle attacks (MITM), DNS hijacking,
trojans and worms, repeated login attempts, and legacy apps. MITM attacks take place when
hackers find a way and penetrate between the server and client communications (Bansode &
Girdhar, 2021). All these attacks and threats are different options that hackers may use to gain
access to VPN. Security experts of companies that use VPNs must remain vigilant and enforce
additional security measures to ensure that the company’s and client’s networks remain secure.
Assignment 2
Colonial Pipeline experienced a ransomware attack that was orchestrated by the hacker
group known as Darkside. This cyber-attack forced the pipeline company to shut down
approximately 5,500 miles of pipeline in the USA (Browne, 2021). The cybercriminals received
a total...

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