Discussion board replay

User Generated


Computer Science


Hello i want discussion board REPLAY for the following discussion board

Although the standards mandate very specific requirements for the plans that add a level of complexity, discuss the pros and cons of very simple plans versus detailed plans?



Business Continuity is centralized and easier to control.Simpler to plan recovery which involves the transfer of functions to other branch offices. Area wide disasters which affect more than one office fit better into such a plan. Works well with centralized recovery teams, or teams that are drawn from multiple sites. Potentially lower costs for maintenance since changes which affect all offices need only be made in one place. Potentially lower costs for training and execution.


Still need people at each office familiar with local conditions to assign staff to teams, identify suitable alternative locations, and review the plan. Changes to the plan will affect all offices. The confidentiality of the operations, staff, etc. of other offices will be difficult to maintain

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Explanation & Answer

There you go. Kindly ascertain it meets what you need. Cheers.

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14 February 2017
Discussion Board Reply
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