The physician orders Imitrex 5 milligrams sub-Q, math homework help

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9. The physician orders Imitrex 5 milligrams sub-Q as needed for headache for the client. The Imitrex drug label on the vial reads 12 milligrams per milliliter. Round to the nearest hundredth. Give how much? 

10. Cala cut 2 1/2 inches off her hair three times last year how much longer would her hair have been at the end of the year if she had not cut it? 

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Explanation & Answer

9.) If there is no additional information, then you may give the patient 2.4 mg out of the 12 mg/ml. Pretty straight forward. However, if you have to convert to ml, then the patient would need 60 ml. Just focus on the main information within the text. Solution 1: You would divide the two due to inequalities withing the ratio. 5 mg/ 12 mg/ml = 2.5 mg. Solution 2: Convert 5 mg to ml.If 12 mg/ml is correct then you would to multiply 5 and 12 in order to convert the 5 mg into ml. (5 mg/ x ml)=(12 mg/ 1 ml) There are 12 mg in every ml.(5*12) mg= x ml60 ml10.) To understand the question, all you need to do is breakdown the wor...

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