Connotation vs denotations EASY 5$

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Practice: Connotation vs. Denotation

Written Assignment: Connotation vs. Denotation

Below, you will see ten pairs of words. These words have similar meanings, but different connotations. You may need to use your dictionary if you do not know the meanings of these words. For each word, write a sentence using the word. Then, beneath your original sentences, explain the different connotations for each word. Follow your teacher’s directions for submitting your assignment.

You will receive two points for each word that is used correctly in a sentence and two points for each correctly described connotation.

  1. thrifty, frugal
  2. slender, skinny
  3. mix-breed, mutt
  4. aggressive, militant
  5. teacher, professor
  6. piano player, pianist
  7. obese, overweight
  8. shy, wary
  9. clever, conniving
  10. feign, pretend

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