MGMT 435 Atlantic International University Effective Project Management Essay

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Business Finance

MGMT 435

Atlantic International University



Project managers should determine the required duration of required activities and include additional slack time in putting together a schedule. It is far easier to adjust for an activity that completes early than for an activity running longer than expected. Project scheduling is a key task that will determine the success of a project. The process starts with establishing the objectives for the project. The scope must be considered. A plan must be set in place with milestones and the final goal.

Write a 5-page analysis on the project schedule template provided.

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  • Title page: Remember the running head. The title should be in all capitals.
  • Length: 5 pages minimum
  • Abstract: This is a summary of your paper, not an introduction. Begin writing in third person.
  • Body: This begins on the page following the title page and abstract page and must be double-spaced (be careful not to triple- or quadruple-space between paragraphs). The typeface should be 12-pt. Times Roman or 12-pt. Courier in regular black type. Do not use color, bold type, or italics, except as required for APA-level headings and references. The deliverable length of the body of your paper for this assignment is 5 pages. In-body academic citations to support your decisions and analysis are required. A variety of academic sources is encouraged.
  • Reference page: References that align with your in-body academic sources are listed on the final page of your paper. The references must be in APA format using appropriate spacing, hanging indent, italics, and uppercase and lowercase usage as appropriate for the type of resource used. Remember, the Reference page is not a bibliography but a further listing of the abbreviated in-body citations used in the paper. Every referenced item must have a corresponding in-body citation.

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1 Project Schedule Your Name American InterContinental University Submission Date 2 Introduction Delete highlighted information. The introduction is the best opportunity to convince your audience that you have something worthwhile to say (one solid paragraph). An introduction can accomplish this by fulfilling five important responsibilities, as follows: 1. Get the audience's attention. 2. Introduce the topic. 3. Explain its relevance to the audience. 4. State a thesis or purpose. 5. Outline the main points. 3 Five Phases of Project Management List and define the five phases of project management using a resource. Project Schedule 1. Define the project schedule using a resource. 2. In which phase is the schedule completed in the project life cycle? 3. Who creates the project schedule? 4 Project Schedule Importance 1. Why is the project schedule important? 2. Who updates the project schedule? Project Resources 1. Define project resources. 2. Examine four main resources in a project. 5 Theories Resources-Based Theory (RBT) 1. Explain the RBT Resource Advantage Theory (RAT) 1. Explain the RAT 6 Resource Planning 1. Define resource planning in project scheduling. 2. Explain the importance of resource planning in project scheduling. 3. Describe one risk that can be associated with resource planning. 7 Resource Allocation 1. Define resource allocation in project scheduling. 2. Explain the importance of resource allocation in project scheduling. 3. Describe one risk that can be associated with resource allocation. Contrast 1. Contrast the role of resource planning and resource allocation in project scheduling. 8 Scheduling Issues Slack time 1. Define slack time and its effects on a schedule. Estimating Activity 1. Explain the effects of estimating activities on the project schedule. Estimating Total Project Time 1. Explain the effects of estimating total project time on the project schedule. 9 Conclusion The conclusion is the last thing that the reader will remember about your essay. 1. The conclusion should be a summary of the highlights of your statement of purpose. 2. The conclusion should include the main points of the statement of purpose. 3. The conclusion should be as well-constructed and grammatically correct as everything. 10 References Example Kerzner, H. (2017). Project management: A systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling (12th ed.). Wiley. 1 Project Schedule Your Name American InterContinental University Submission Date 2 Introduction Delete highlighted information. The introduction is the best opportunity to convince your audience that you have something worthwhile to say (one solid paragraph). An introduction can accomplish this by fulfilling five important responsibilities, as follows: 1. Get the audience's attention. 2. Introduce the topic. 3. Explain its relevance to the audience. 4. State a thesis or purpose. 5. Outline the main points. 3 Five Phases of Project Management List and define the five phases of project management using a resource. Project Schedule 1. Define the project schedule using a resource. 2. In which phase is the schedule completed in the project life cycle? 3. Who creates the project schedule? 4 Project Schedule Importance 1. Why is the project schedule important? 2. Who updates the project schedule? Project Resources 1. Define project resources. 2. Examine four main resources in a project. 5 Theories Resources-Based Theory (RBT) 1. Explain the RBT Resource Advantage Theory (RAT) 1. Explain the RAT 6 Resource Planning 1. Define resource planning in project scheduling. 2. Explain the importance of resource planning in project scheduling. 3. Describe one risk that can be associated with resource planning. 7 Resource Allocation 1. Define resource allocation in project scheduling. 2. Explain the importance of resource allocation in project scheduling. 3. Describe one risk that can be associated with resource allocation. Contrast 1. Contrast the role of resource planning and resource allocation in project scheduling. 8 Scheduling Issues Slack time 1. Define slack time and its effects on a schedule. Estimating Activity 1. Explain the effects of estimating activities on the project schedule. Estimating Total Project Time 1. Explain the effects of estimating total project time on the project schedule. 9 Conclusion The conclusion is the last thing that the reader will remember about your essay. 1. The conclusion should be a summary of the highlights of your statement of purpose. 2. The conclusion should include the main points of the statement of purpose. 3. The conclusion should be as well-constructed and grammatically correct as everything. 10 References Example Kerzner, H. (2017). Project management: A systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling (12th ed.). Wiley.
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Project Schedule
Your Name
American InterContinental University
Submission Date

Effective project management requires applying methods, experience, processes, skills,
and knowledge to achieve specific objectives of the project, which must fall within the
acceptance criteria and agreed parameters. In essence, the final deliverables in every project must
meet constrained to a finite budget and timescale. Project teams use available tools and resources
to guarantee the project’s success throughout its life cycle, including conception, planning,
execution, control, and closure. Successful project planning provides a vision of e the entire
project from initiation to completion and has the feasibility to accomplish this vision. This paper
discusses the project life cycle, scheduling, resources, theories, resource planning, resource
allocation, and scheduling issues.

Project Life Cycle
Phase 1: Conception or Initiation
The initiation is the beginning phase of the project; it aims to define the extensive levels
of the project. This phase begins with identifying the business case by broadly researching its
feasibility, whether it should be undertaken. The feasibility test is often done to provide the
stakeholders with facts to enable them to exercise their due diligence to commence the proposed
project (Eby, 2018).
Phase 2: Project planning
Phase two of the project cycle is planning, which is important to project success and
primarily concentrates on establishing a roadmap to be followed. At this phase, the project goals
are set using either CLEAR or S.M.A.R.T goal-setting methods. At the project planning phase,
the responsibilities and roles are clearly defined for those involved in the project. The planning
documents required include plan communication, scope statement, Gantt chart, risk management
plan, milestones, and job breakdown schedule (Eby, 2018).
Phase 3: Project Execution
The phase involves developing and completing project deliverables. Many activities are
going on at this point, including meetings and status reports, performance reports, development
updates, and inducted teams on their responsibilities and roles. Therefore, numerous tasks are
completed at this phase, including developing a team, executing management plans, tracking
systems setup, assigning resources, procurement management, status meetings, updating project
schedules, modifying project plans, task assignments, and project execution (Eby, 2018).
Phase 4: Project Monitoring and control

The project control and monitoring phase often happen concu...

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