St Petersburg College Graphic Organizers Exercise

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Follow the downloadto complete the assignment. There are three parts to this assignment: the graphic organizers, a picture of your annotated textbook, and the reflection in the instructions. All three components should be in the provided word document. Please be sure to refer to previous video on How to Create a Graphic Organizer.

graphic organizer worksheet is attached below

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Graphic Organizers As mentioned in the lecture, graphic organizers can be a great way to manage large amounts of information, whether it be during a lecture, while studying, or in your reading assignments. In this exercise, you will practice using a variety of graphic organizers and evaluate which might work best for you. Use one of your course syllabi and follow the steps listed below. There are two parts to each organizer: interacting with current study material and creating the graphic organizer. There will be a reflection on this technique at the end of this document. If you do not have a class with a textbook, follow this link to access the free OpenStax A&P textbook. Select an A&P topic of your choosing to use for this assignment. GRAPHIC ORGANIZER 1: Step1: Identify an outcome on your syllabus for an upcoming exam and state it below. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Step 2: Locate that information in your text. Step 3: Interacting with current study material - Use your coded text codes to annotate your textbook for that particular objective and take a picture. Remember to highlight, circle or underline key points, to draw connections between topics, and write any questions you may have that come up as you read. This all can be done in your actual textbook (don’t forget this works for E-Texts too, most allow you to annotate electronically). Insert a picture of this interaction below: (to insert a picture into a word document, go to INSERT on the top left corner and pictures to search for your picture) Step 4: Creating the graphic organizer - Convert the information that was in written form in your textbook into a graphic organizer and embed below. GRAPHIC ORGANIZER 2: Step1: Identify an outcome on your syllabus for an upcoming exam and state it below. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Step 2: Locate that information in your text. Step 3: Interacting with current study material - Use your coded text codes to annotate your textbook for that particular objective and take a picture. Remember to highlight, circle or underline key points, to draw connections between topics, and write any questions you may have that come up as you read. This all can be done in your actual textbook. Insert a picture of this interaction below: (to insert a picture into a word document, go to INSERT on the top left corner and pictures to search for your picture) Step 4: Creating the graphic organizer - Convert the information that was in written form in your textbook into a graphic organizer and embed below. Reflection Use the space below to reflect on activities you did for this assignment. Which graphic organizer worked best for you, and why? In your nursing classes, how might you adapt the process to suit your learning style? Be specific!
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Explanation & Answer

Please view explanation and answer below.

Graphic Organizers
As mentioned in the lecture, graphic organizers can be a great way to manage large amounts of information, whether it
be during a lecture, while studying, or in your reading assignments. In this exercise, you will practice using a variety of
graphic organizers and evaluate which might work best for you. Use one of your course syllabi and follow the steps
listed below. There are two parts to each organizer: interacting with current study material and creating the graphic
organizer. There will be a reflection on this technique at the end of this document. If you do not have a class with a
textbook, follow this link to access the free OpenStax A&P textbook. Select an A&P topic of your choosing to use for this

Step1: Identify an outcome on your syllabus for a...

I was struggling with this subject, and this helped me a ton!


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