computer Networking

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Computer Science


I need help calculating the Subnetting IP networks. no plagarism

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20 Above is the assigned IP address 2 115 30 Subnetting IP Networks  examines Addressing in the Internet Protocol in detail. In particular this chapter describes two techniques to assign IP addresses to the hosts within sub-networks, FLSM and VLSM. These techniques (together with the configuration of Cisco servers to be seen in Chapter 2), are the single most important concepts in this course, and in this discussion thread, we want to be sure that you understand how they work. Every student was assigned an address block and the maximum expected sizes for 3 subnets to be allocated within the address block (see table below). You must do the following:  1. Determine the Internet addresses that describe each of the 3 subnets using FLSM 2. Determine the Internet addresses that describe each of the 3 subnets using VLSM.  You must present the following information for each one of the 3 assigned subnets in the two scenarios (6 in total): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Network address First usable address of the subnet Last usable address of the subnet Broadcast address for the subnet Prefix length Subnet mask  You may consult the example that is provided under this Week’s materials. Please explain any assumptions or calculations you made to arrive to your final solution. Guideline on weekly Discussion: Please write your IP range and network sizes in the subject Line. Or at least, write them in the first lines of your posting. This way we will not have to go back to the top of the discussion thread to see if your calculations were done correctly. Also, please present one table for FLSM and one table for VLSM using the following format, this will help everyone to read your calculations: Subnet # 20 Prefix Length Subnet Mask # Max # of Network Required Hosts Address Hosts 2 First Address 115 Last Address Broadcast Address 30
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Above is the assigned IP address


115 B

30 C

Subnetting IP Networks
1. Determine the Internet addresses that describe each of the 3 subnets using FLSM
Largest network has 115 hosts, so we need at least 7 host bits, 2^7=128 ...

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