PSYC 1010 University of Idaho Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Worksheet

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PSYC 1010

University of Idaho




Abraham Maslow suggested that our behaviors and motivations can be explained by our status of needs - if we are lacking in certain areas, we will consciously and unconsciously focus our energies into satisfying those needs. Every now and then, it is good practice to take an inventory of your own "hierarchy" and ensure that you are engaging in activities that meet your needs and encourage overall health and well-being.

For this assignment, you will be completing a self-assessment of your current needs - are there things that you are neglecting? Are there aspects of your life that are being fulfilled? This will only be reviewed by you and your professor so feel free to be honest and open about where you are at right now. This could be an opportunity to make some positive changes if you find that you need a little assistance or boost in any area. However, if you feel uncomfortable discussing a particular topic (e.g., sex), please do not feel pressure to do so for this assignment.


To successfully complete the assessment, address the following:

  1. You will use the
  2. Simply open the file, evaluate each of the hierarchy categories and document the needs being or not being met.
    • Really try and take a moment to consider all the needs within the category; for example, you may be in a small argument with your friend, but not realizing how much it is impacting you until you stop and think about it.
  3. Then consider the different action steps you can take to remedy and meet your needs and document the steps you can take within your control.

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Need Category Physical: breathing, water, food, sex, sleep, balance Safety: security of body, employment, resources, family/friends, property, & environment Social: belonging needs through friendships, family, & sexual intimacy Esteem: self-esteem, confidence, achievement, respect of & from others Self-Actualization: acceptance of facts, free of prejudice, strong problem solving, creativity, & and moral resolve Needs that are being met Needs that are NOT being met Actions you can take to meet your needs
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Explanation & Answer

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Need Category

Physical: breathing,
water, food, sex,
sleep, balance

Safety: security of
body, employment,
property, &

Social: belonging
needs through
friendships, family, &
sexual intimacy

Esteem: self-esteem,
achievement, respect
of & from others

Needs that are being

Needs that are NOT
being met

Actions you can take
to meet your needs

I had a good night of
sleep, it is warm, so I am
drinking lots of water, I
recently had a meal, so I
am not hungry. My
overall health is good,
and my body is
functioning well.

Maslow states that
reproduction (sex) is a
physical need, however I
do not class this as a
need, it is not something
I want so it is not being

Listen to what your body
is telling you. Eat if you
feel hungry, drink if you
feel thirsty, sleep if you
feel tired. Take care of
your physical needs by
living a healthy lifestyle.

I live in a good
neighborhood and there
are low rates of crime,
so I feel safe where I live
with my family and I feel
like my possessions are
safe from theft.

A family member is ill,
so the friends/family
element of safety needs
are not being met.

I have good
relationships with
friends and see them
regularly in and...

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