Indiana Wesleyan University Healthcare Finance Current Event Article Summary

User Generated


Business Finance

Indiana Wesleyan University


  1. In your textbook, Health Care Finance, read:
    1. Chapter 1, “Introduction to Healthcare Finance”
    2. Chapter 2, “Financial Management”
  2. Read Resilience in Health Care Financing(new tab)
  3. Navigate to the Healthcare Finance Current Event threaded discussion.
  4. In the initial post:
    1. Identify a recent article (within the last year) on the subject of healthcare finance trends. This week, the topic can be very broad and cover any of the element of healthcare finance (e.g. payors, Affordable Care Act, Baby Boomers and Medicare, how the pandemic has impacted payment structure and healthcare delivery, etc). The article can come from popular or professional media.
    2. Create a 100- to 150-word summary of the key points of the article.
    3. Assess the credibility of the information contained in the article. Reference other articles that confirm or refute key information in the article you chose.
    4. Use proper spelling, grammar, and APA citation in developing the summary. Feel free to utilize the APA formatting resource, Academic Writer in the Course Homepage widget, by creating your account, which will give you the access during this course.
    5. Post the summary, along with the original article or a link to where it can be accessed.
    6. Include, at the end of the post, a question for classmates to consider regarding the current issue.

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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.


1.3 Discussion: Healthcare Finance Current Event Discussion

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Summary of the Article
The article, “2021 Healthcare Financial Trends,” by (2020)
depicts how the COVID-19 pande...

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