Assignment 3 Recruitment and Staffing Proposal Worth up to 18 points or 18 % of total grade in the course. Objective of the assignment: The objective of this assignment is to allow you to demonstrate your knowledge of the steps required to recruit and staff for an important segment of the workplace and to demonstrate your strategic skills to the CEO. You will share some of the essential strategic and administrative steps for this important function of Human Resources and will include metrics for which to evaluate the recruitment and selection approach that will be implemented. The situation: Suppose that you are the new HR Director at HSS (the case study presented in our Course Resources under modules) and you have already made a presentation to the CEO and the Board of Directors on the need for HR planning and and enhanced strategic role that HR must play in the organization. After that presentation, and having read the research on managing human resources strategically that you have presented (Assignment 2 Literature Review), the CEO confides that she has been thinking about how the senior staff in the organization are recruited and selected. As a result, she has asked you to propose new recruitment and selection methods for the senior level employees. Deliverable: The CEO's directive to you is to prepare a short (approximately five-page double spaced, numbered with in-text citations to give credit to your sources) proposal that includes at the least: 1. A cover memo to the CEO providing an overview of the task assigned and a summary of your proposal 2. A description of at least three recruitment approaches that could be considered 3. A description of at least three selection approaches that could be considered 4. A cost/benefit analysis and comparison of the approaches of both the recruitment and selection approached 5. Metrics the organization could use to evaluate the effectiveness of the on-going recruitment and selection of senior level employees. Propose at least three metrics for the evaluation (include the time frame for your evaluation period such as six months after entry into the position). 6. Your recommended approach and your arguments/justification to defend your choices. 7. A conclusion section that includes a summary of the approaches recommended, the benefits and any other aspects to the proposal you want to highlight. Notes: Use topic headings to organization your presentation, include in-text citations for statements of fact, and provide a reference page, use professional level language and writing. Additional resources: Module three (found in week three) offers some information helpful about how to recruit. You may add to your thoughts by researching the topic but following are a few articles you may find helpful. If the links do not work, please just cut and paste them into your browser. The last resource I've listed is a very good research article from the Center for Creative Leadership about selecting executives. If the links do not work, please copy and paste into your browser. Clear Fit. (2012, November 22). How Recruiting Methods Have Changed Over the Past Ten Years. Retrieved from Clear Fit: Demarco, E. & Rossini, R. (2013, August 13). Creative recruiting: 7 innovative ways to land your dream hire. Retrieved from Chris Joseph, eHow Contributor. (n.d.). The Advantages of Recruitment From Newspaper Want Ads. Retrieved January 30, 2014, from Giles, Karl. "7 Benefits of Social Media of Recruitment." 7 Benefits of Social Media of Recruitment. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Jan. 2014. <>. Root, George N. "Advantages & Disadvantages of Internal Recruitment." Small Business. Chron, n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2014. |
Explanation & Answer
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Staffing is one of the most critical components in an organization and staff and employees
together make up the intellectual capital of an organization. Understanding the very important
nature of staffing it is imperative that
staffing needs of an organization are carefully and
tactically dealt with .This paper will deal with how the stiffing requirements within an
organization can be dealt from the perspective of action research.
The problem:
Organizations are frequently found to be either over staffed or under staffed and have never
planned for their human resources requirement in a strategic manner. This has resulted in crisis
either on finances or skipped deadlines due to staff shortage. It is deliberated that an action
research study on the staffing needs of an organization will enable managers to derive the best
output from the requirements of the employees and at the same time ensure that the talent pool is
created from exiting employees without harming the process of hiring and recruitment. The
research project will aim at creating a pivotal talent pool.
A rationale of the proposal:
An action research approach to Staffing in an organization will be in the form of self-reflective
enquiry “undertaken by participants in social situations in order to improve the rationality and
justice of their own practices, their understanding of these practices, and the situations in which
the practices are carried out “(Carr and Kemmis 1986: 162)using a soft approach to human
resources staffing requirements .
In order to bring in the right employee quotient to the organization the action researcher or the
manager will take up take activities which involve ‘the systematic collection of information that
is designed to bring about social change’ (Bogdan and Biklen 1992: 223). Bogdan and Biklen
also emphasize that on order to bring about the right practices a pattern of social change will
need to happen so that when research for the right kind of approach to staffing happens there
will be change in the organization philosophy towards human resources management and this
will bring about a social change .
Research methodology:
The use of primary data from within the organization from managers will serve the action
research purpose. There will be an extrapolation of historical data on staffing needs conducted by
the organization to understand how best to research on the current needs of staffing.
The data that the action researcher will l collect will...