The purpose of this assignment is to apply the language of the visual arts regarding form (such as the type of representation, and a description of artwork using the art elements and principles of design) and content (the story that an artwork communicates). Please visit one of the online virtual museum tours posted below and select one work on view from the museum of your choosing. Write an analysis of this work following the Visual Analysis assignment instructions.
Visit one of the virtual museum tours by using the links below, and choose one work in the virtual exhibition that interests you. Imagine that you are describing your selected artwork to a friend.
Carefully observe the selected work and write a visual analysis on your selected artwork.
Your visual analysis should be 3 pages long. Attach your essay to these pages.
The following should be included in your visual analysis:
Title of work, artist name, media, approximate size and date.
A detailed description of the work’s form with regard to at least 3 art elements.
Consider the work’s use of line, color, shape, texture, light, value, etc. Please refer to the introduction of your text book for a description of the elements of art.
A detailed description of the work’s composition with regard to at least 3 principles of design.
Consider how the work achieves unity or variety, balance, rhythm, etc.
A complete list of the prnciples of designi can be found in the introduction of your text book.
A discussion of the work’s representation in regard to its degree of naturalism, stylization or abstraction.
A thoughtful examination of the work’s content.
Consider: what is represented in the work?
If the work contains figural or other representation, how is the figure represented?
Does the figure represent cultural ideals of beauty discussed in class?
What kind of political or social issues would you say the work reflects, if any?
If the work is not representational, what does the image evoke?
This is a visual analysis, not a research paper. As such, it must include your own observations and ideas, written in your own words. Also remember that your observations must be organized in the form of an essay, with an introduction, body of text, and a conclusion.
Do not write a ‘laundry list’ of your observations.
You know you have done a good job describing the work if you think the reader will be able to visualize it from your description alone.
Text book: Introduction to Art: Design, Context, and Meaning (
Online virtual museum tours:
National Gallery of Art, Washington DC, Washington, DC, United States — Google Arts & Culture
Museum of the World (
Musée d’Orsay, Paris, Paris, France — Google Arts & Culture
National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea, Seoul, South Korea — Google Arts & Culture
The Met 360° Project | The Metropolitan Museum of Art (
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, Netherlands — Google Arts & Culture
Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam, Netherlands — Google Arts & Culture
The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, United States — Google Arts & Culture
MASP - Museu de Arte de São Paulo Assis Chateaubriand, São Paulo, Brazil — Google Arts & Culture
19 immersive museum exhibits you can visit from your couch | PBS NewsHour
The Ultimate Guide to Virtual Museum Resources | MCN
IMPORTANT: I need you to be sure that you don't miss any single part of the assignment.

Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.
Visual Artwork Analysis
Student’s name
Visual Artwork Analysis
The artwork Jeanne (Spring) from The J. Paul Getty Museum is the subject of this
paper, which offers provenance information based on historical facts.
Paragraph 1
Edouard Manet created Jeanne's (Spring) artwork in 1881, and it is thought to have
debuted at the Salon de Paris in 1882.
Jeanne's outfit is pieced by exploring milliners' and dressmakers' stores as an
obsessive lover of feminine couture.
Paragraph 2
Delicate floral touches the clothing to the flawless handling of the broad, and Jeanne's
face and backdrop sketch strokes display a beautiful spectrum of brushwork.
The sensual handling of the painting and the bright, brilliant palette suggest the
delights of the season it commemorates.
Regardless, there is an employment of the primer layer by Manet, which serves as a
counterbalance to the oil paint.
Paragraph 3
On the other hand, Manet referred to early Italian Renaissance portrait norms by
portraying Jeanne's half-length in profile and contrary to a profusion of greenery.
Paragraph 4
A light complexion with rosy hits on her lips and cheeks personifies the Spring season
in this piece of art.
There is a contrast between the background garden, most likely Manet's villa garden,
and the white dress, creating a painting movement from the umbrella to her bonnet that ties
around the neck, the hands, and down her garment.
Paragraph 5
The fascination with the complexity of the feminine fashioning of identity through
dress, women's clothing, and female consumerism is represented.
Paragraph 6
Jeanne's look, particularly her face depicts Parisienne, a glamorous, smart young
woman who is more of an object of beauty than a person.
Women's presence in gardens and lovely settings is highlighted in the Spring, as they
give their beauty to the natural world.
The colors, brushwork, and Jeanne contribute to the painting's enthralling and
astonishing beauty.
Spring, in general, represents the coming together of female beauty and natural beauty
as one to be admired in its entirety.
Brettell, R. R. (2019). On Modern Beauty: Three Paintings by Manet, Gauguin, and Cezanne.
Getty Publications.
Brehm, B. R. (2020). Media Environments: Manet, Cros and the Colours of Spring. History
of Photography, 44(1), 50-64.
Zeng, X., & Zhang, R. (2017, February). Participatory art museum: collecting and modeling
crowd opinions. In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (Vol. 31, No. 1).
Visual Artwork Analysis
Student’s name
Visual Artwork Analysis
Visual analysis is the process of dissecting the artist's intended meaning and means of
execution in visual art, like video, photograph, or painting. In other circumstances, artworks
are evaluated basing their social consciousness, art, politics, impact on culture, and historical
significance. Painting, visual art, journ...