assignment help please

User Generated


Business Finance


PLease no PLagiarism. Please read the instructions. Please write 200 words per bullet point and 2 slides for each bullet point. You don't have to do all the bullet points written in the description just the ones below this.

How your plan supports key objectives

  • An evaluation of current trends and issues in total compensation and a prediction of future trends

  • Design a 1,750- to 2,450-word total compensation plan (written in the third person voice) for an imaginary competitor of Google, Walmart, General Motors, UPS, or Merck. Your plan should address the following details:

    • How your plan supports key objectives
    • An evaluation of current trends and issues in total compensation and a prediction of future trends
    • Internal and external equity
    • A wage management process and rationale
    • A retirement plan and how participation will be driven
    • The influence of the organization's financial condition on the total compensation plan
    • How your plan will be communicated to leadership and employees

    Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

    Create a Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation of 12 to 15 slides that outlines the plan's key components, and its stated requirements and objectives. Include an introduction, a conclusion slide, and a references slide as well as brief speaker's notes. Use at least five APA-formatted sources.

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    Explanation & Answer

    check out the powerpoint.imma be away for 3 or so hours incase you need me to rectify anything..



    An “employee compensation plan” collectively
    refers to all the components in addition to the
    manner in which the compensation is paid and
    for what purpose employees receive case
    bonuses, salary increases and incentives.


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