creating an interview pitch and questions for managers on their leadership styles, management homework help

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Prepare to interview two organization leaders, and write an assessment in which you outline the intended purpose and focus of your interviews, along with the interview questions.

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Competency 3: Create an effective theory of leadership.
    • Describe the purpose and rationale for leadership interviews.
    • Describe the level of leadership selected for interviews.
    • Prepare 10 relevant interview questions for an interview protocol.


I will need to interview two leaders in organizations of my choice. To prepare for these two interviews, complete the following at this time:

  1. Research and choose an aspect of leadership based on the topics in the Cashman text (personal mastery, purpose mastery, change mastery, interpersonal mastery, being mastery, balance mastery, or action mastery) to use as the focus for your interviews. – I chose Interpersonal Mastery (See definition below)

Create Interview Pitch

Submit the following components for this assessment:

  1. State your intended purpose for the interviews. Provide an explanation of the aspect of leadership on which you plan to focus and why you chose it.
  2. Describe the level of leadership selected for your interviews. – I chose Middle Managers
  3. List the 10 interview questions you plan to use for your chosen aspect of leadership. If you wish, you may use some of the questions from the reflection exercises in the related chapter of the Cashman text. You can use any leadership theories you like to help you develop your interview questions, including servant leadership, Kevin Cashman, Margaret Wheatley, articles from the Center for Creative Leadership, leadership stage theory, and other sources.


Cashman, K. (2008). Leadership from the inside out: Becoming a leader for life. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler.

  • Chapters 3, 5, 6, and 7 of this e-book are particularly applicable.

Access the following resources by clicking the links provided. Please note that URLs change frequently. Permissions for the following links have been either granted or deemed appropriate for educational use at the time of course publication.

Definition of Pathway 4: Interpersonal Mastery:

Leading through Synergy “Interpersonal Mastery is the dynamic blending of personal power with synergy power to create value and contribution.” Learning, developing and growing from each other. Recognizing that there are contributing factors that make leaders successful. What we know comes from others, people we interact with every day. We acquire our skills through relationships. Acknowledge feedback from those amongst us and using them to help leaders become more efficient and effective.

6 Points of Awareness for Leading through Synergy

1) Build Relationship Bridges

2) Balance Personal Power with Synergy Power and Contribution Power

3) Build Awareness of Intention/Perception Gap

4) Personal Mastery and Interpersonal Mastery are Intimately Connected

5) Become Aware of Your Structure of Interpretation

6) Practice the Five Touchstones to Authentic Leadership below:

5 Touchstones of Authentic Leadership:

1) Touchstone 1: Know Yourself. Authentically- Practice being what you wish others to become.

2) Touchstone 2: Listen Authentically- To understand first and be understood second.

3) Touchstone 3: Express Authentically Integrity—who we are and what we do.

4) Touchstone 4: Appreciate Authentically, show others how much you appreciate them, as no one can be over appreciated.

Be thankful for those in your lives. Don’t take things for granted. Appreciation is a self- expression that creates value. Energizes people and makes them want to exceed their goals and perceive their limits. Learn to give, receive, and encourage appreciation. Dr. K. Walker- EADM 424.3

5) Touchstone 5: Serve Authentically, mutual benefits—give back. The joy one can have when they are already happy but can share that happiness with others and become even happier

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2/19/2017 Interview Pitch Scoring Guide Interview Pitch Scoring Guide CRITERIA NON­PERFORMANCE BASIC PROFICIENT DISTINGUISHED Describe the purpose and rationale for leadership interviews. Does not identify the purpose for leadership interviews. Identifies the purpose for leadership interviews. Describes the purpose and rationale for leadership interviews. Analyzes the purpose for leadership interviews, including a thorough rationale. Describe the level of leadership selected for interviews. Does not identify the level of leadership selected for interviews. Identifies the leadership level selected for interviews Describes the level of leadership selected for interviews. Describes the level of leadership selected for interviews and its relationship to an aspect of leadership. Prepare relevant interview questions for an interview protocol. Does not prepare relevant questions for an interview protocol. Prepares interview questions, but not all questions are relevant. Prepares relevant questions for an interview protocol. Prepares relevant and insightful questions for an interview protocol.­FP/BUS­FP4012/150701/Scoring_Guides/u02a1_scoring_guide.html 1/1
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Interview for Organizational Leaders




Different organizations tend to have different organizational control based on the different
strategies that the management puts in place. There are some factors that outline the need for a
proper organizational engagement where there is already outlined organizational, operational
environment. Key among the factors that have a significant influence on how an organization can
carry out its tasks is the leadership model that an organizational management is putting in place.
The leadership model that is adopted by an organization is very critical in influencing the manner
in which employees are engaged and motivated to ensure that they achieve the set goals and
objectives. A manager thus is tasked with putting in place a leadership model that they are sure to
have a significant influence on the employees. Leadership encompasses a variety of important
elements that need to be considered to have successful engagement within a given organizational
setting. This paper will provide a significant analysis into an interview process between two
managers who hold middle-level positions in their respective companies.
Interpersonal Mastery leadership
Interpersonal Mastery leadership has significant positive implications both for the
organization and employees involved as well. An organization that practices Interpersonal Mastery
leadership has a well-integrated culture where there is an open relationship between the leaders
and employees. Thus, the existence of harmony within an organization means that the organization
is well engaged where employee issues raised are dealt with effectively. This means that
employees are motivated due to better treatment from their leaders and thus work extra hard to
ensure that they fulfill their part of the contract and thus an organization has steady and highperformance levels (Bolea and Atwater, 2014).



Interpersonal Mastery leadership allows employees to develop both individuals and as a
group. Thus, they can learn new skills as well as learn from their leader who acts as their mentor
by offering guidance and ...

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