The Chaning Role of Technology in Society (600 words Proposal)

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RESEARCH PROPOSAL ASSIGNMENT English 1100 • Worth 20% of your course grade • The research proposal assignment demonstrates your preliminary research work for your final essay RESEARCH PROPOSAL ASSIGNMENT • The research proposal requires you to provide key information about the essay you want to write • The assignment will be submitted in the submission folder, posted on moodle • Your idea might change or evolve as you research further, but this proposal assignment will establish a starting point RESEARCH PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS • Proposed Title (which includes the main concept/idea you intend to discuss and your specific focus) • Research Question (what you want to answer throughout your research and essay composition) • Inventory of Information (what you currently know/ do not know about your topic) • Two Source Entries (150-200 words per entry: at least one scholarly source, formatted using MLA, APA, or Chicago Style) • Three Possible Topics for Body Paragraphs (what ideas you could explore through each paragraph) 1. Proposed Title: ASSIGNMENT BREAKDOWN • Your proposed title will indicate the main topic or idea you want to explore in your essay • Titles offer important information to readers, so clearly indicate your specific focus Example: “The Uses and Abuses of Goblins as Symbols of Commerce in J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter Series” 2. Research Question: • Your research question is what you will be working to answer through the research and composition processes • Remember: research questions are both arguable and critically-based ASSIGNMENT BREAKDOWN • To formulate your research question, begin with your chosen topic Example: Harry Potter • Then, consider what about that topic specifically interests you Example: Goblins in Harry Potter books • Based on this focus, you can create an arguable, critical research question that outlines what you want your essay to answer Example: How are goblins variously depicted in Harry Potter, especially in relation to money and gold? 3. Inventory of Information • This is your opportunity to account for: ASSIGNMENT BREAKDOWN 1. What you currently know about this topic 2. What you need to learn to answer your research question Example: I have read the Harry Potter series and have found evidence to suggest a link between goblins and commerce. However, I need specific examples from the text and to learn if this depiction of goblins is unique to Harry Potter. 4. Two Source Entries a) Provide the citation for the source in correct MLA, APA, or Chicago style *Ensure you indicate what style (MLA, APA or Chicago) you are using for your citations* ASSIGNMENT BREAKDOWN (For citation formatting, see course slides on moodle) b) For each source, provide a 150-200 word summary that specifically explains how you intend to use this source in your essay, considering: • What information the source contains that you can use • How you plan on using the source in your essay to support your argument 5.Three Possible Topics for Body Paragraphs • Provide possible topics for three body paragraphs by returning to your research question • Ask yourself: What three aspects do I need to account for to best answer this question? ASSIGNMENT BREAKDOWN • When it comes time to write your essay, this work will form the basis for your main and supporting arguments Example: How are goblins variously depicted in Harry Potter, especially in relation to money and gold? 1. Connections between goblins and commerce in other stories 2. Goblins and money in Harry Potter 3. Goblins and gold in Harry Potter • Ensure your essay proposal includes all necessary information (student’s name, instructor’s name, class number, chosen citation style, due date) THINGS TO REMEMBER • This assignment does not require paragraph structure (see example) • Although this assignment will include entries on only two secondary sources, your Works Cited List (MLA), Reference List (APA), or Bibliography (Chicago) for your essay must include a reference for any source you discuss • 850-1000 words (typed, double-spaced, in 12-point font) • Word count refers to the essay itself, not your citation list or assignment information RESEARCH ESSAY: FAST FACTS • Written using correct MLA, APA or Chicago format • Worth 30% of your final grade • Based on one of the possible essay topics • Integrates two outside sources (one of which must be scholarly) • Essays must be works of original creation • For your research essay in this course, you are required to select from a list of possible topics RESEARCH ESSAY: CHOOSING A TOPIC • These topics are intentionally broad and reflect interdisciplinary potential • Out of this general topic, you will have to develop your own specific research question and, ultimately, an argument that you will be working to prove in your essay • Remember, select a research topic that interests you and you want to research and write about POSSIBLE TOPICS FOR RESEARCH ESSAY 1. The Changing Role of Technology in Society RESEARCH PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS O Proposed Title (which includes the main concept/idea you intend to discuss and your specific focus) Research Question (what you want to answer throughout your research and essay composition) Inventory of Information (what you currently know/ do not know about your topic) · Two Source Entries (150-200 words per entry: at least one scholarly source, formatted using MLA, APA, or Chicago Style) Three Possible Topics for Body Paragraphs (what ideas you could explore through each paragraph) O 1. The Changing Role of Technology in Society
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The Changing Role of Technology in Society Proposal

Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Name and Number
Instructor’s Name
Assignment Due Date

Research Proposal Task
Proposed Title: The Changing Role of Technology in Society
Research Question: How is the changing modern technology affecting its roles and
contributions in modern society?
Information Inventory: Throughout the course of my education life, I have learned that
technology affects different aspects of life. For instance, technology affects how we learn,
communicate, or conduct business operations daily. Such impacts may affect our lives in either
negative or positive ways (Novakova, 2020). Therefore, technology is a crucial component in
modern society. To that effect, various studies have been conducted to investigate different
aspects of technology in society. In addition, the available literature triggered me to think about
the changing nature of technology and the resulting impacts on various aspects of the community
because we live in an era where technological advancements are investable.
Two Potential Sources (APA Format):
1. “Mobile technology, learning, and achievement” by Bernacki et al., 2020.

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