HIST 425 University of New Hampshire History of Beer Response

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HIST 425

University of New Hampshire



a reading response about history of beer 

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Rapid #: -16838877 CROSS REF ID: 759524 LENDER: GZM :: Memorial Library BORROWER: NHM :: Main Library TYPE: Book Chapter BOOK TITLE: Cogs, Cargoes, and Commerce: Maritime Bulk Trade in Northern Europe, 1150-1400 USER BOOK TITLE: Cogs, Cargoes, and Commerce: Maritime Bulk Trade in Northern Europe, 1150-1400 CHAPTER TITLE: Beer: a new bulk good of international trade. BOOK AUTHOR: Unger,Richard W. EDITION: VOLUME: PUBLISHER: YEAR: 2002 PAGES: 113-127 ISBN: 9780888448156 LCCN: OCLC #: Processed by RapidX: 11/12/2020 2:49:33 PM This material may be protected by copyright law (Title 17 U.S. Code)
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Reading Response
The article “Beer: A new bulk good of international trade” by Richard Unger explains
the role that beer played in international trade in the early Middle Ages. As such, the brewing of
beer was widespread in medieval Europe, and beer became an essential commodity of trade ...

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