AmeriTech College Provo Wk 5 Patient with Stage III Pressure Ulcer Discussion

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Health Medical

AmeriTech College Provo


  • Initial: A 72-year-old male patient was admitted yesterday with a stage III pressure ulcer on the sacrum. The wound is moderately erythemic, 2+ edema, no drainage; the patient reports no pain. Use the scenario to discuss the significance of using an ISBAR format to give an effective handoff to nursing staff
  • discuss the differences between using the ISBAR format and the PIE format for documentation
  • evaluate why a Data–Action–Response (DAR) format may or may not be effective for patient handoff.
  • Medications that effect the nervous system can be utilized to treat many different disorders and diseases, such as depression, anxiety, Parkinson’s disease and seizures. Discuss the mechanisms of action, therapeutic effects, indications, adverse and toxic effects, cautions, contraindications, drug interactions, and antidotal management of the drug Amitriptyline
  • discuss all phases of the nursing process (including patient education) for patients taking that medication.
  • discuss the barriers and interventions to medication compliance of the chosen drug.
  • In your post, please address the following
  • NOTE: I've attached the PICOT worksheet.
    1. Locate a study that relates to your topic and displays the results of the data in graph format. Cite the reference in APA formatting.
    2. Explain how the study relates to your PICOT question. Then describe the results of the study and what type of graph was used to show the data. Include the mean, mode, and median of the data that was analyzed- if applicable.
    3. Take one more piece of data within the study that did not have a visual aid and explain what graph you could use for that visual aid. For instance, if the researcher explained the different age ranges of the participants, you could explain how you would use a pie chart as a visual representation of what age groups were in the study. If no other data is offered in the study, choose a portion of data that could theoretically show one element of the participants, such as their ages, weights, etc. Note- You will just need to explain what graph you would use here. For the assignment in week 5, you will submit the graph in the module."

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PICOT Worksheet and Search Strategy 1. Define your question using PICOT: Population: _____Patients suffering with mental health problems caused because of illness _____ Intervention: ______Perspective Intervention to explore causes that leads to the problem _______ Comparison: ______patients having early and healthy treatment with those who do not have access to health treatment on time_________ Outcome: ____Recommendations for patients to access early assistance to avoid mental health complications________ Time: ______one month________________________ 2. Write out your question: ___Why patients who have access to quality healthcare are less likely to suffer with mental health problems such as depression compared to those who fails to access quality healthcare services on time? (WANG, et al., 2007)__________________________ Go to the LIRN library and do a search on your topic 3. List the terms from your question you used for your search: _____Intervention___________ ________mental health____________ ______quality healthcare___________ ______depression/anxiety_____________ 4. Which databases were searched? _____ProQuest ___________ ________EBCOHOST_____________ ________________________________ ______________________________ 5. How many articles/sources populated? ____Three articles were analyzed to write the research question and for the selection of the intervention______________ 6. How did you narrow down your results (age of article, language, etc.)? ___All the articles after 2012 are used to conduct research about the topic. Research articles and surveys in English language were filtered________ 7. How many sources are left that relate to your topic/PICOT question? ________Approximately five resources left relate to my selected research question____ References WANG, P. S., ANGERMEYER, M., BORGES, G., BRUFFAERTS, R., CHIU, W. T., & GIROLAMO, G. D. (2007). Delay and failure in treatment seeking after first onset of mental disorders in the World Health Organization's World Mental Health Survey Initiative. Official journal of the World Psychiatrist Association, 177-185.
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Use the scenario to discuss the significance of using an ISBAR format to give an effective
handoff to nursing staff

ISBAR Format
The nursing ISBAR format in the view of patient’s condition should be used and it is as
Introduction: ISBAR handoff for the nursing staff requires the introduction of the designated
nurses. The nurses should introduce them to the patients and the families. The roles and
responsibilities of nurses are to be defines and she needs to inform that the she is here to manage
the wound and the edema. The nurses have to mention all these information in the ISBAR form
and should explain that they are going to communicate with the patient and the family.
Situation: The situation of patient is not good as he is aged and he has stage III pressure ykcer.
The wound is erhythemic and edema is severe but there is no drainage.
The pressure ulcer is the main reason that has lead the patient to the hospital with the severe
Assessment: The problem is due to ulcer and the edema is because of the worsening condition
of wound. It requires the testing to know the exact internal situation of wound.
Being a nurse, it is recommended to have GIT testing and biopsy, if necessary. The blood
profile is to be checked and immediate edema management should be done.



Discuss the differences between using the ISBAR format and the PIE format for
ISBAR requires the details of patient’s problems and the role of nursing during the treatment.
It has five components including the introduction, situation, background, assessment and
The introduction defines the role of nurse and her introduction to the patient. The situation is
the condition of patient at present. The background is the issue that leads up to current situation.
the assessment is the evaluation by nurses to know the problem and recommendations are the
suggestions by nurses.
PIE is another nursing handoff format that is less informative and detailed than ISBAR. It has
three components including problem statement, intervention and the evaluation. The problem
statement is the problems that the patient faces, interventions are the treatment strategies and
evaluation is the measures of success of outcomes (Annette Burgess, 2020).

Evaluate why a Data–Action–Response (DAR) format may or may not be effective for
patient handoff.

The data action response is not effective in the current condition because the patient is at the
severe stage of edema and the DAR is the slow process where the actions taken are mentioned
according to the date. The response of patients and the improvements are noted. In the
following case, there is no enough time for the slow treatment but the edema management is
immediately required (Neil, 2018).

Medications that effect the nervous system can be utilized to treat many different
disorders and diseases, such as depression, anxiety, Parkinson’s disease and seizures.
Discuss the mechanisms of action, therapeutic effects, indications, adverse and toxic



effects, c...

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