Database Systems Design

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Computer Science


Written Assignment (Homework) #2

(10-point) Convert the following ER diagram into a relational database schema:

NOTE : I have uploaded the diagram for you

(90-point) Express the following queries on the above schema in both relational algebra (20-point each) and relational calculus (10-point each):

  1. Find names of all students who take at least two courses taught by Peterson but take only one course from Davidson.
  2. Find S_IDs of the students who take all courses taught by Davidson.
  3. Find all instructors (C_InstNames) who currently teach at least three courses.

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(10-point) Convert the following ER diagram into a relational database schema: S FirstName S LastName S D student S_Major takes CID course C Room C_Name C_InstName
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Explanation & Answer

Hi.. I have finished the assignement. Thank you for giving me that opportunity to work with you.

ER diagram into a relational database schema

1. Find names of all students who take at least two courses taught by Peterson but
take only one course from Davidson.

Relational Algebra

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