
User Generated


Health Medical

Grantham University


It has come to your attention as the leader of a department that there are on-going statements being made that the “morale” of the organization is the lowest it has ever been. For this assignment you will need to prepare a 20-minute presentation on team building and motivation to be presented to your staff on how you are going to improve morale in the department.

You will prepare a minimum of 15 PowerPoint slides with no more than each bullet (sentence/point) having 5 words. You will attach your notes to the bottom of the PowerPoint slides. You decide the issues that you want to address. Please use your readings from this week to discuss yourself as a leader, influencing, motivating, and morale.

The overall goal of this assignment is to motivate and inspire your staff. Have some fun with this!!!

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Explanation & Answer

Please view explanation and answer below.
Please view explanation and answer below.

Team Building and Motivation: Team Building and Motivation Outline
Thesis Statement: It is significant to keep my team or employees always motivated towards
giving their level best when performing their duties or interacting with their colleagues or

a. Purpose of the paper
b. Narrative outline of the paper


a. Extreme low morale
b. Poor coordination
c. No communication
d. Poor output
e. Ways to improve morale


Ways To Improve Morale
a. Practice effective communication
b. Encourage feedback
c. Respect employees’ opinions
d. Appreciate efforts
e. Schedule regular team-building activities
f. Reward performance and recognize achievements
g. Lend a hand
h. Provide appropriate work space
i. Empathize with staff

j. Offer me...

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