Denver School of Nursing Wk 11 Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality Essay

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Denver School of Nursing


The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) is a federal agency whose focus is to increase the quality and safety of the U.S. health care system.  In this assignment, you will become familiar with the organization’s mission, programs, and resources.

Step 1:  In a 1-2 page paper, not counting the title or ref. page, address the following questions using clear paragraph headers:

  • Provide a brief overview of the agency’s mission, programs, and resources.
  • Describe at least 3 ways in which nurses can utilize the organization’s programs and resources.
  • What is the STEPPS program?
  • Describe a situation in your place of employment where the STEPPS program could be useful.

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RN to BSN Program – 180 Credits Grading Rubric for Week 11 Assignment: 40 points Metrics AHRQ Overview Excellent Overview includes all required components. (9-10 points) Usefulness to Nursing Fully describes 3 or more ways in which nurses can utilize ARHQ's programs and resources. (9-10 points) STEPPS Application Fully describes and applies the STEPPS program. (9-10 points) Mechanics and Grammar No errors in usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. (5 points) APA formatting No errors in APA format: in-text citation(s); reference page. (5 points) RN-BSN Syllabus – Reviewed and Revised March 2021 Needs Significant Improvement or Not Evident Overview includes all but one Overview does not required component. adequately address the required components. Needs Some Improvement (6-8 points) (0-6 points) Adequately describes 3 ways in which nurses can utilize ARHQ's programs and resources. Describes less than 3 ways ways in which nurses can utilize ARHQ's programs and resources or is lacking detail. (6-8 points) (0-6 points) Adequately describes and applies the STEPPS program. (6-8 points) Minor errors in usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling that do not interfere with reading/understanding. Minimally describes the STEPPS program or does not apply it to practice. (0-6 points) Some errors in usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling that interfere with reading/understanding. (3-4 points) (0-2 points) Minor errors in APA format: in-text citation(s); reference page. Some errors in APA format: in-text citation(s); reference page. (3-4 points) (0-2 points) 25
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The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

The Agency’s Mission, Programs, and Resources
3 Ways in Which Nurses Can Utilize the Organization’s Programs and Resources




How STEPPS Program can be Useful in my Place of Work


The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Course Name and Number
Instructor’s Name

The Agency’s Mission, Programs, and Resources
The mission of AHRQ is to utilize its core competencies: practice improvement; health
systems research, and data analysis; to deliver health care that’s affordable, more accessible, safer,
and of better quality, and to assist the Health Department in the US to enhance this mission
(Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2021). AHRQ has invested its resources in some of
its programs to enhance health care. One of these programs is the ...

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