week 6 lab

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  1. For Laboratory Application Assignment on pg. 204 - 205 examine Fig. 6-50.
    1. Perform calculations for:
      1. Rt (total equivalent resistance)
      2. It (total current supplied by voltage source)
      3. V1 (voltage across R1)
      4. V2 (voltage across R2)
      5. V3 (voltage across R3)
      6. V4 (voltage across V4)
      7. VAB (voltage between points A and B)
      8. I2 (current in R2 branch)
      9. I3 (current in R3 branch)
      10. P1 (power dissipated in R1)
      11. P2 (power dissipated in R2)
      12. P3 (power dissipated in R3)
      13. P4 (power dissipated in R4)
      14. Pt (total power dissipated by the series-parallel circuit)
  2. Scan all calculations showing all work in a file called “Lab6_Analysis_StudentID”.


  1. Construct the series circuit in Fig. 6-50 with MultiSIM.

Measure the values:

  1. Rt (total equivalent resistance)
  2. It (total current supplied by voltage source)
  3. V1 (voltage across R1)
  4. V2 (voltage across R2)
  5. V3 (voltage across R3)
  6. V4 (voltage across R4)
  7. VAB (voltage between points A and B)
  8. I2 (current in R2 branch)
  9. I3 (current in R3 branch)
  10. P1 (power dissipated in R1)
  11. P2 (power dissipated in R2)
  12. P3 (power dissipated in R3)
  13. P4 (power dissipated in R4)
  14. Pt (total power dissipated by the series-parallel circuit)
  15. Capture a screenshot of measured values and paste into a Word document entitled “Lab6_Simulation_StudentID”
  16. Answer all questions in the “Series-Parallel Circuit Characteristics” section on pg. 204 - 205 in this same document.
  17. Series-Parallel Circuit Troubleshooting section is not required.

Upload files “Lab6_Analysis_StudentID” AND “Lab6_Simulation_StudentID”

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Explanation & Answer



This lab will be to put into practice the application of Kirchhoff’s laws of voltage and current KVL
and KCL in a simple Series-Parallel Circuit.

DC power Supply, Ground, 5 variable resistors, and a Digital Multimeter.
Assembled each circuit per diagram. Attached digital Multimeter at each point in parallel to test voltage
and in series with the resistors to test amperage.

Circuit design / Execution/Results:


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