Topic: The importance of Logistics during Hurricane season
Using a minimum of seven (7) credible sources, with at least four (4) sources coming from peer-reviewed journals taken from the APUS library, write a research paper about a topic related to your major or intended career, which follows the problem solution strategy. The paper must be original to this course--no recycling, please!
Sources: Your final source page should contain at least seven (7) sources, with at least four (4) sources coming from peer-reviewed journals taken from the APUS library; you will lose points if you have fewer.
Outline of Research Paper
Topic: The importance of Logistics during Hurricane season
Thesis Statement: Government needs to fully prepare before the destruction of a hurricane.
I: The financial logistics of a Disaster across America.
a. Disaster recovery rarely researches, and the government acts after the disasters has occurred.
b. The costliest hurricanes have an estimated value of $320 billion in damages which have not yet reached their cap.
c. Atlantic Ocean hurricanes are impacting a lot of individuals on American soil.
II: The recovery after hurricanes is even more challenging when there are not enough supplies in the community before hurricanes or natural disasters.
a. Evacuation methods for hurricanes should be in place before the disaster occurring, and facilities such as schools on the high ground should already identify as shelters.
III: Insurance companies reach out to elevate some of the stress off hurricane victims so that it more accessible to file claims.
a. Though insurance companies are willing to pay out to get disaster damage covered, the supply system lacks the supplies needed to recover the damage.
b. The transportation of goods that need to come into cities put on hold due to the significant clean-up that must occur. The city is not prepared for trash and debris to pick up at such a large magnitude and it takes months, sometimes years, just for them to get on track.
IV: Better equipping the state with relief programs would help maintain the communities even after catastrophic dieters.
V: A case study on Katrina, Harvey, Irma, and Maria.
a. People are traumatized and suffering from PTSD after the hurricane.
b. Rebuilding the cities and bring supplies to the community does not help right away. Pilfering takes place in large cities with lots of disasters due to the suffering.
c. Merging facts of the Hurricanes in the past years with the existing hurricane occurring in North Carolina and the state of logistics as it stands now.

Explanation & Answer

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The Importance of Logistics during Hurricane Season
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The Importance of Logistics during Hurricane Season
With the increased climate change and global warming in recent years, it has become
evident that natural disasters have increased considerably. It is a global phenomenon where most
places worldwide are witnessing an increase in natural disasters and even a rise in the magnitude
of these disasters (Verschuur et al., 2020). In the United States, one of the most common natural
disasters is Hurricanes, and they are known for being very destructive. Therefore, the
government’s disaster preparedness can play a key role in determining its success when
responding to different disasters. To be successful, the government needs to be fully prepared
before the destruction of a hurricane.
The financial logistics of a disaster across America
In many cases across the United States, there is minimal or no preparation made by a
government before the occurrence of a hurricane. In recent years, some efforts have been made
towards helping people move to safer grounds before a hurricane strikes any specific area.
However, the process of preparing to prevent the destruction of infrastructure and property is not
present in any way. The government has been known only to respond after the damage has been
caused, which is often too late for most people. The losses brought about by a hurricane often
take many years to recover, and sometimes it is even impossible to recover fully.
The cost of disaster recovery is also very high, impacting the government, the private
sector, and even individuals. The government is often tasked with the rebuilding of infrastructure
that is destroyed. These include power grids, road networks, bridges, and even public institutions
such as schools (Jerolleman & Graves, 2020). These are critical infrastructure networks that must
be rebuild, and the cost falls on the country government, state government, and sometimes the
federal government. The private insurance companies also have to pay out money in the billions
to insured clients who need to rebuild their homes after being destroyed by a hurricane. Many
people lose personal property thus have to work to rebuild it or reacquire the property.
Hurricanes from the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico impact millions of people in
the United States both directly and indirectly. The impact is seen in the thousands of displaced
families from their homes and even many businesses that stop their operations due to the
hurricanes. However, the worst impact is the many people who lose their lives in the disasters as
they drown or are crushed by falling buildings and debris. Therefore, the government needs to
take actions that can help prevent the loss of life and the loss of property that occurs every year
due to hurricanes.
It is recommended that major investments be put into preventative measures to help
people rescue their lives and property before a hurricane strikes. The process should include
having warning systems that can reach each person as an individual. The process also ought to
consider the infrastructure as it needs to be built to be resistant to destruction to minimize the
dangers and losses incurred when hurricanes strike the east coast (Lawrence et al., 2020).
Finally, more awareness needs to be raised for all the people to know about the risks involved
and the best methods that could be used to protect themselves.
Recovery Process
After a natural disaster strikes, it is necessary to have systems to help with the rescue and
the recovery process. In the United States, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is
responsible for coordinating disasters. The agency has more than 11,000 people and works with
local authorities to offer federal assistance in responding to an emergency and the recovery
process. The agency has also been charged with taking preventative measures to help prevent
damage and loss of life to different people all across the country. However, it has become
common to find that there are many areas of preventing and responding that are not as effective
as they should.
The first and most common issue is that there are no ready plans within each community
designed to be put into action when a disaster strikes. All counties should have an effective plan
to guide people on the steps they should take before a hurricane strikes their town or home and
the steps to take after the hurricane (Rivera, & Willard, 2019). These plans should be developed
to guide people on the best strategies that they can use to move to safe grounds. They can also
guide them on preventing considerable damage from occurring to their property and the areas
where they reside.
The second process is that of stocking emergency supplies close to communities. These
are supplies of things such as food and water long-lasting and stored for extended periods
without going bad. There should also be some supplies equipment that can be used by emergency
personnel and normal people to fight floods whenever they may occur due to the hurricanes.
These may include inflatable boats that can be used to move around in flooded waters that can be
moved to areas new to the most vulnerable areas. Finally, there should be adequate planning for
equipment needed during the evacuation and rescue missions.
Lastly, it is vital to have ready shelters. In most cases, these are expected to be public
places such as stadiums and schools located on higher grounds and can handle many people. The
process directly impacts the ability of local authorities to save as many people as possible and
find them a warm place that they can stay for the period of the disaster. Such locations should
have the facilities necessary to guarantee proper sanitation. There should also be adequate supply
chains that can keep bringing the individuals in the location all the supplies they may need to last
for an extended period.
Insurance Companies
The insurance of property against hurricanes should be made compulsory for all the
people who live ...