Week 7: How Does The World See You?
It is important for a leader in an organization to pursue a path of continuous professional development and improvement. A substantial part of this endeavor includes self-awareness with regards to how the leader views the external environment. But more importantly, how does the world see the organization's leader and their role and efforts? This assignment will afford you the opportunity to reflect on your own cognizance with regards to diversity, equity, inclusion and your own identity as a leader.
Paper Content
The following information is gratefully borrowed from the University of Houston (Texas), Center for Diversity and Inclusion. Visit this website
First, download the PDF located here (Links to an external site.). It is titled "How does the world see you exercise" (Links to an external site.). Take a bit of time to read and review the four columns of questions. Also, ponder the information and ideas that have been presented and discussed thus far in our course. Think about your own efforts as a leader (either in a private/personal setting or in a corporate setting). Then, jot-down some bullet-points that are responses to the questions presented.
Second, prepare a three-to-five-page paper that answers the questions presented in the exercise. Consider your own Identity as well as understanding of Diversity and the impact it continues to have in your life and the organizations that you are affiliated with. In essence, how does the world see you?

Explanation & Answer

Please view explanation and answer below.
Identity has multiple definitions. In the course, we defined identity as a collection of
characteristics that make a person. Every individual has elements or characteristics that other
people use to identify the individual. As a leader, there are elements that one is expected to
possess to be passed as an effective and efficient leader. After some evaluation, I got to
understand my identity and also the elements that make up my identity.
When anyone meets me for the first time, they will find it obvious that I am still in my
early twenties, short, silent, some assume that I am Christian or because of the rosary that I
wear around my neck, and also others assume that I am anti-social or I just don’t like them.
People are quick to allocate these elements to me because I am silent on most occasions
especially in crowded places around people I don’t know.
These elements or characteristics, however, act as protection from the world. While I
was a child, I was an outgoing person. I was very social and had been allocated a nickname by
my schoolmates. Now that I think about it, the nickname did ...