Ashford University Learner Needs Differing Intelligence Models Journal

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ashford university


Read Multiple Intelligences: The Most Effective Platform for Global 21st Century Educational and Instructional Methodologies (Links to an external site.), How Emotional Intelligence Helps Students [Infographic] (Links to an external site.), Understanding and Developing Emotional Intelligence (Links to an external site.), and Improving Emotional Intelligence (EQ) (Links to an external site.), watch the videos Daniel Goleman Introduces Emotional Intelligence (Links to an external site.), and Emotional Intelligence, visit the webpages Assessment: Find Your Strengths! (Links to an external site.) and Emotional Intelligence Quiz (Links to an external site.), and review the Instructor Guidance.

Traditionally, someone who is intelligent is defined as an individual who can solve problems, use logic to answer questions, and think critically. However, experts within the learning academic community have suggested broader definitions of intelligence (i.e., multiple and emotional intelligences).

For this journal, complete the following:

  • Thinking critically about these foundational differences, comment on the broader propositions suggested by EQ and MI about learning preferences and development and how these may modify the way individuals assess another’s strengths and weaknesses.

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Explanation & Answer

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Learning Needs: Differing Intelligence Models

Learning Needs: Differing Intelligence Models

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Learning Needs: Differing Intelligence Models


For more than a century, the intelligence quotient, best known as IQ, and the cognitive
abilities it measures, has been used in schools and other areas of life like the workplace to
determine or predict people's likelihood to succeed in life. But while IQ may correlate with a
person's academic success, scientific observation has shown that it does not always correlate
with success or being happy in life. Therefore, experts have proposed a broader definition of
human intelligence that spans three areas: intelligence (IQ), multiple intelligences, and emotional
intelligence. IQ may determine an individual's academic success more than emotional
intelligence (EQ) and multiple intelligences (MI), but a careful analysis of EQ and IQ shows that
succeeding and being happy in all areas of life requires a marshaling of all the three types of
There are key differences between IQ, EQ, and MI. For example, IQ measures one's
cognitive or intellectual abilities, EQ measures how well adapted an individual is at effectively
managing their emotions and using the...

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