Compare and contrast two different change models. What leadership approach would you use to implement your preferred model? Why?
Discussion 2
What is "disruptive change," and how is this different from "incremental change?" How does disruptive change affect an organization? Provide an example.

Explanation & Answer

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Organizational Change
Institutional affiliation
Discussion 1
The world is constantly evolving with new technologies bringing in new methods of
doing things. This has been translated a lot of opportunities and challenges for organizations.
These factors have caused firms to change to adapt to the new trends regularly. However for an
organization to be on the positive side, it must adopt proper change management models to keep
it propelling to greater success. These models are different as different scholars derived various
methods of driving change. The most common change models are the Lewis planned change
model and the Kotter's model of change.
Comparison of Lewis Planned Model and Kotter’s Model
Kurt Lewin propelled the Lewin's three-step change model. The theory is based on the
assumption that any condition exists because there are competing forces that are in equilibrium.
To bring any change, some of these forces need to be adjusted. Adjusting of these effects
facilitates change because they propel employees towards the desired direction. According to
Lewis, there are three steps to implementing change. This includes unfreezing, changing and
unfreezing. The first step is unfreezing the existing status quo or behavior. This is essential to
overcome the strains of group conformity and only resistance. The step of unfreezing can be
achieved through three methods. The first is by increasing the driving forces that propel the
behavior away from the status quo, s...