Voorhees College Civil War American Studies Essay

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Voorhees College


What were the political and social causes that led to the Civil War in the decades that preceded it? And how did the Civil War reflect on “unfinished business” of the American Revolution?

Write a short essay (1-2 pages, typed, double-spaced) utilizing evidence from the reading/video material to answer these questions. Submit the assignment to Canvas as a Word document or a PDF.

Chapter 5



Chapter 6



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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.There you go buddy :D. You can ALWAYS chat me for comments and revisions :)

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Civil War
1. Introduction

The Civil War was one of the most critical eras in the history of the United States of
America. The long-standing rivalry between northern and southern states spawned it.


Slavery has a role in the Civil War in some manner. Slavery had a part in the battles that
led to the Civil War, but it was far from the only one. Slavery had a role in the Civil War,
but it was not the main cause of the conflict.

2. Denmark Vesey and Harriet Tubman were two people who helped the slaves get their

Denmark Vesey planned a significant slave rebellion in the United States after purchasing
his freedom. As word of the plot's preparations circulated, the plot's leaders were
apprehended before the revolution could begin. They were tried, found guilty, and
sentenced to death. Vesey was regarded as a hero by many abolitionists.


After being named "Moses of her people," Harriet Tubman was given the title
"conductor" of the Underground Railroad. She served as a scout, spy, guerrilla warrior,
and healer for the Union Army during the Civil War. She is the first African-American
woman to hold a position of leadership in the military.

3. Expanding to the west would assist both socially and politically.

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