DVU WK 8 Awareness Environmental Issue Surrounding Local Community Infographic

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DeVry University


For this assignment, you will use your Course Project materials to create an infogram to create awareness about the environmental issue surrounding the local community.


An infographic is a highly visual representation of information, data, or content that is intended to quickly communicate information to an audience. As a quick visual representation, Gillicano and colleagues (2014) suggest that an infographic is easily comprehended and read in less than a minute.

Effective infographics tell a story. Smaller than but similar to a poster, an infographic often communicates a central argument, topic, or thesis focusing on the overall patterns, themes, or salient points. There is an introduction, main argument, and conclusion (Canva, 2017). Each element (text, graphics, data representations, etc.) meaningfully contributes to communicating an accurate and concise presentation of information. Much like an essay, an infographic is often the end product of a research project or inquiry process.


In Week 8, you will submit an infographic on the topic of environmental injustice in your local community. The following evaluative components will be used to assess your infogram (Matrix & Hodson, 2014; Schrock, 2012; Texas Education Agency, 2015).

  • Content: accurate and detailed information is provided and supports the thesis/argument/purpose
  • Focus: All content (visual and textual) concisely complements the purpose of the infographic
  • Visual Appeal: Fonts, colors, layouts, & visual elements meaningfully contribute to the infographic's ability to convey the overall message
  • Argument: The infographic effectively informs and convinces the reader of its intended purpose
  • Organization: Information is systematically organized and supports readers' comprehension of the main message
  • Citation: Full bibliographic citations are included for all sources referenced
  • Mechanics: The infographic is free of spelling or grammatical errors


Canva. (2017). Infographic design. https://designschool.canva.com/how-to-design-infog...

Gallicano, T., Ekachai, D., & Freberg, K. (2014). The infographic assignment. A qualitative study of students' and professionals' perspectives. Public Relations, 8(4), 1-22. http://prjournal.instituteforpr.org/wp-content/upl...

Matrix, S. & Hodson, J. (2014). Teaching with infographics: Practicing new digital competencies and visual literacies. Journal of Pedagogic Development, 4(2). https://www.beds.ac.uk/jpd/volume-4-issue-2/teachi...

Schrock, K. (2012). Infographic rubric. http://www.schrockguide.net/uploads/3/9/2/2/392267...

Texas Education Agency. (2015). Rubric for infographic or poster. http://cte.sfasu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Ru...

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