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A Policy Brief
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Addressing Gender-based Segregation in Entrepreneurship
Executive Summary
The significance of females' entrepreneurial duties and socioeconomic conditions has a
logical concern and moral implication. The ultimate enterprising struggle of females comprises
racialized ethical concerns of access, impartiality, and the ability for them to try to establish
privatized organizations in numerous markets. Therefore, the application of entrepreneurship
symbols the division of work duties for persons, especially females, concerning sexual roles in
the market share and insufficiencies in the accessible trade, political and economic systems.
Henceforth, gendered business and market recognition alienation induce a critical confrontation.
Discrimination in workplaces has far-reaching effects on the health and the general well-being of
women, significantly affecting their mobility and freedom, ability to develop human and social
capital, reducing job opportunities and wages in labor markets. Adopting community principles
and a code of conduct is a call to policymakers to reduce gender inequity. Hence, gender equality
laws are fundamental to development, autonomy, and a civil rights structure in which every
individual is entitled.
Scope of the Problem
Gender inequality in access to the workforce is a little cost on talent. For instance, when
flair is aimlessly disseminated in the population, women, and men will be imperfect
replacements in the entire production; as a result, the inequalities might deny abilities and reduce
inducements for female human resource formations (Silva & Klasen, 2021). Worldwide,
evidence shows that ladies bear the brunt of poverty. Poverty alleviation is only attained by
dealing with the excessive weight of poverty, inadequate opportunities, poor health, and
education services supported by ladies. Besides, it constitutes a significant overlook of human
potentiality. Undisputed customs of male dominance lead to the exclusion and subordination of
countless ladies. It successfully sidelines approximately 1/2 of the world's aptitude, proficiency,