Cypress College Week 6 Sex and Social Dance Segment Questions

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Cypress College


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Sex & Social Dance - Part 2 A Start Assignment Due Sunday by 11:59pm Points 5 Submitting a text entry box Available Jun 20 at 12am - Jun 27 at 11:59pm 8 days Week 6- Watch and review "Sex and Social Dance" - Part 2 Answer the 5 study questions: 1. How come women cannot dance in public in Morocco? 2. In Morocco, do men and women socialize together? 3. Why was the waltz considered a provocative dance? 4. In Morocco, are married women allowed to dance in front of other men? 5. In Morocco is is okay women to dance in a sensual way with each other? e O in 98% 64°F Mostly cloudy A 2:05 AM 6/23/2021 Week 5 - Watch "Sex and Social Dance" video segment part 1 Lecture: Secular Dances Answer the 5 study questions - 5 points 1. What type of social dances are taught to young children in America? 2. Why do you think in some countries couple dancing is prohibited? 3. Why is Social Etiquette through dance important in America? SVBILU 3. Why in the Cook Islands they stress different dances for men and women? 4. Do you believe that dance cures depression? e O E 98% 1 PL 64°F Mostly cloudy AJ 2:04 AM 6/23/2021 5
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Sex and Social dance segment part 1
1. Some common types of social dances taught to young children in America include the
rock & roll dancing featuring twist and Elvis and the ballroom dancing of Ginger
Rogers, which is mostly used to signify love and romance.
2. In some countries, couple dancing is prohibited because it is deemed immoral. There
exists a strong belief that couple dancing can corrupt young people’s morals and
thoughts. Thus, couple dancing is only allowed if the dance is conducted with the proper
person and with the right intentions.
3. Social etiquette is important in American social dances because it makes social
interaction easier, fosters respect, and clarifies roles and expectations for the people
involved in the dances. Social etiquette also equips people with information on how to
behave an...

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