Freedom Summer Paper

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Watch the video Freedom Summer, then write a paper of 250 words sharing your opinion of the film and discuss how this period in American history impacts our present day society.

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Running head: TYPE A SHORT TITLE IN ALL CAPS HERE Title of Your Paper Your Name School Your Course Name Your Course Number Your Professor’s Name Due Date 1 PUT THE SAME SHORT TITLE IN ALL CAPS HERE 2 Title of Paper Here--Not Bold or in All Caps Click your cursor here and start to type. It automatically will type in Times New Roman, 12-point font, and double-space the text. The indent of one-half inch is set here, too. To start a new paragraph, just hit the Return button once. It will keep the format going for you without adding extra spaces between paragraphs. For more information on formatting your paper, review the Writing Style Handbook, pages 6-7, by clicking this link: For help using this template, click this link: Level One Heading If you have different sections in a paper and want to use headings, replace the Level One Heading words above with the words for your heading. The heading must be centered, in bold font, with uppercase and lowercase letters. Level Two Heading If you have a heading that is a subtopic for the Level One Heading, replace the Level Two Heading words above with the words for your heading. The heading must be flush left margin, in bold font, with uppercase and lowercase letters. Level three heading. If you have a heading that is a subtopic for the Level Two Heading, replace the Level three heading words above with the words for your heading. This heading must be indented, in bold font, with only the first letter of the first word capitalized. A period follows this heading. For more information on headings, you can review the APA’s Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on APA Style® by clicking this link: APA Style® FAQs. PUT THE SAME SHORT TITLE IN ALL CAPS HERE Conclusion The last section of a paper is a conclusion. It sums up what has been said and does not add new information. The References page follows on a new page. To see a short, sample paper, click this link: 3 PUT THE SAME SHORT TITLE IN ALL CAPS HERE 4 References References are placed in alphabetical order on the References page. Each reference must have at least one corresponding in-text citation in the body of the paper, and each in-text citation requires a complete reference on the References page, To add a reference here, click your cursor at the beginning of this line and start to type. It automatically will type in Times New Roman, 12-point font, and will double-space the text. As you can see, the indent for the References page is different than it is for the body text. This is called a hanging indent and it is set at one-half inch. To start a new reference, just hit the Return button once. It will keep the format going for you without adding extra spaces between references. Enjoy! If you have a reference provided by Reference and Citation Generator, the Online Library, or another APA resource, you may paste it here. To try to maintain this format, copy the reference text, put your cursor at the start of the line where you want to add the reference, right click on your mouse or trackball, and choose the option under “Paste” in your software program that best matches this format. You may see differences so be sure to check. For more information on writing and formatting references, review the Writing Style Handbook, pages 5-13, by clicking this link: To see a short, sample paper, click this link:
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Running head: FREEDOM SUMMER




Freedom Summer

Freedom Summer is a film about Mississippi in 1964, a time when a large student activist
population moved in and registered voters and created freedom schools in the State and launched
the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party. It was written and directed by Stanley Nelson and
featured great actors like Karin Kunstler Goldman, Julian Bond and Peggy Jean Connor among
others (IMDb).
In 1964, Mississippi had the lowest number of...

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