HUMAN 001 Los Angeles Valley College Read Sappho Lyric Poems Discussion

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21:24 Assignment Details HUMAN 001: Cult Patt West Civil - Gika E. - SUMMER 2. Essay--Analysis: Sappho's Poetry 50 pts Not Submitted Due Jun 27, 2021 at 23:59 Submission Types Text Entry Submission & Rubric Description Read Sappho's poems below and discuss whether or not her poetry touches on universal and contemporary themes, emotions, and/or experiences. Explain and demonstrate why or why you do not think so through specific discussion of the poetry. Approx. 500 words I have included some background information on Sappho in the link below: Submit Assignment < Previous Next → 2 Dashboard Calendar To Do Notifications Inbox 21:24 Assignment Details HUMAN 001 : Cult Patt West Civil - Gika E. - SUMMER 2. Link (Links to an external site.). s Sappho's Poems POEMI Honestly, I wish I were dead. Weeping many tears, she left me and said, "Alas, how terribly we suffer, Sappho. I really leave you against my will." And I answered: "Farewell, go and remember me. You know how we cared for you. If not, I would remind you ...of our wonderful times. For by my side you put on many wreaths of roses and garlands of flowers around your soft neck. Submit Assignment < Previous Next → 2 Dashboard Calendar To Do Notifications Inbox 21:24 Assignment Details HUMAN 001: Cult Patt West Civil - Gika E. - SUMMER 2. around your soft neck. s And with precious and royal perfume you anointed yourself. On soft beds you satisfied your passion. And there was no dance, no holy place from which we were absent." POEM II Sweet mother, I can't do my weaving- Aphrodite has crushed me with desire for a tender youth. POEM III Again love, the limb-loosener, rattles me bittersweet, irresistible, Submit Assignment < Previous Next → 2 Dashboard Calendar To Do Notifications Inbox 21:25 Assignment Details HUMAN 001: Cult Patt West Civil - Gika E. - SUMMER 2. a crawling beast. s POEM IV That man to me seems equal to the gods, the man who sits opposite you and close by listens to your sweet voice 5 and your enticing laughter- that indeed has stirred up the heart in my breast. For whenever I look at you even briefly I can no longer say a single thing, but my tongue is frozen in silence; 10 instantly a delicate flame runs beneath my skin; with my eyes I see nothing; my ears make a whirring noise. Submit Assignment < Previous Next → 2 Dashboard Calendar To Do Notifications Inbox 21:25 Assignment Details HUMAN 001 : Cult Patt West Civil - Gika E. - SUMMER 2. A cold sweat covers me, s trembling seizes my body, 15 and I am greener than grass. Lacking but little of death do I seem. One Girl | Like the sweet apple which reddens upon the topmost bough, A-top on the topmost twig--which the pluckers forgot, somehow-- Forget it not, nay, but got it not, for none could get it till now. II Like the wild hyacinth flower which on the hills is found, Which the passing feet of the shepherds for ever tear and wound, Until the purple blossom is trodden in the ground. Submit Assignment < Previous Next → 2 Dashboard Calendar To Do Notifications Inbox
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Humanities Question

Student’s Name
Department, University
Course Name: Course Cod
Professor’s Name

Humanities Question
1. Read Sappho’s Poems below and Discuss Whether Or Not Her Poetry Touches on
Universal and Contemporary Themes. Explain and Demonstrate Why or Why You
Do Not Think So through Specific Discussion of the Poetry

Humanities Question

Student’s Name
Department, University
Course Name: Course Code
Professor’s Name

Humanities Question
Read Sappho’s Poems below and Discuss Whether Or Not Her Poetry Touches on
Universal and Contemporary Themes. Explain and Demonstrate Why or Why You Do Not
Think So through Specific Discussion of the Poetry
Sappho is a well-known creative lyric poet known as "The Poetess" and "The Tenth
Muse." Sappho's lyrics were considered remar...

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