UG Health Care Delivery System Designed to Keep Costs Essay

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Health Medical

University of Guam


Compare and contrast each of the three questions related to Managed Care Organizations, Medicare, and Medicaid with one another and explain how they were similar and different to each other.

  1. Managed care organizations emphasize physicians'      responsibilities to control patient access to expensive hospitalization      and specialty care, a principle dubbed "gatekeeping." Some argue      that "gatekeeping" is unethical because it introduces financial      factors into treatment decisions. Others say it improves quality by      promoting the use of the most appropriate levels of care.
  2. Medicare is an area that often gets overlooked and is      seen as a burden financially. Discuss alternatives to ease the drain on      Medicare resources.
  3. Medicaid is shouldering an ever-increasing burden of      cost for long-term care for the elderly, with enormous impacts on state      budgets throughout the nation. Discuss alternatives to ease this drain on      Medicaid resources.

Develop an APA-formatted essay discussing the three entities.

Describe what they are and how they differ. Include an introduction to let the reader know what will be found in the essay.

Create a table to provide comparison of the three entities. The table can be used as the body of the paper, or it can be added as an addendum after the Reference page. If you opt to add it as an addendum, refer to the table in the narrative in the body of the essay.

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Explanation & Answer

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Running Head: Nursing


Nursing Discussion
Student’s Name
University Name

(Total Words:800)



Nursing Discussion
Managed care is a health-care delivery system designed to keep costs, usage, and quality
under control. Medicaid managed care is a contractual agreement between state Medicaid
agencies and managed care companies (MCOs) that take a fixed per amount per month
(capitation) fee for these operations. States can lower Medicaid program expenditures and better
control health-care usage by contracting with different kinds of MCOs to provide Medicaid
program health-care services to its beneficiaries. Medicaid managed care focuses on improving
health plan efficiency, care quality, and results. Beyond conventional managed care, several
governments are undertaking a variety of efforts to integrate and coordinate care. These efforts
aim to improve treatment for people with chronic and complicated illnesses, align payment
motivations with performance objectives, and ensure that high-quality care is delivered.
Comparison and Contrast
MCO (Managed care




Individuals get managed

This is a federal health

It is also a health plan

definition of

health care plans from

insurance program designed

that aims to help low-

the three

these companies or health

to assist a specific set of

income families pay for


care providers. It works

people, such as those...

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