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You have been tasked to write an application which will help your organization calculate the
cost of your expenses. Write a Visual Basic program to implement the budget application in the
diagram below. The program should have a class called BudgetReceipts that keeps track of the
balance and provides the ability to add to the income and subtract to the expenses.
1. Form Setup
a. You must save your project using your initials in the name** This is required and
the project will not be accepted otherwise.
b. Design your screen to look like the one below.
c. The background image of the form will be set to an appropriate image of your
d. Use appropriate naming conventions for controls and variables.
e. Include access keys for all buttons.
f. The user will not be directed to the net balance field.
g. The balance text box will be read only.
h. Lock all controls.
i. All values must be formatted in currency
j. On the form load, the user is prompted with an input box to enter the starting
balance for the balance sheet. The user is prompted until a value is entered.
k. The initial balance is saved by the class.
2. Class
a. A class is created which uses a get property for the balance, a sub that subtracts
the expenses, and sub that controls the income.
b. The class is created separate from the class form.
c. The property balance will be called to display the balance each time
d. The income sub will be used to add to the income
e. The expenses sub will be used to subtract the expenses
3. Income Button
a. When the Income button is selected the application verifies a value is entered in
the amount text box.
b. The income button prompts the user for the description of the income the
amount is for.
c. If a value is not entered the application presents and error and the program does
not continue.
d. The program will call the class to add the value to the balance and then display
the total balance to the user using the appropriate property.
e. The income button presents the user with a description of the value and the
value amount
f. The textbox amount is cleared.
4. Expense Button
a. When the expense button is selected the application verifies a value is entered
in the amount text box.
b. If a value is not entered the application presents and error and the program does
not continue.
c. The program will call the class to subtract the value to the balance and then
display the balance to the user using the appropriate property.
d. If the balance will go negative the user will be prompted with a message box but
the program will continue.
e. The income button presents the user with a description of the value and the
value amount
f. The textbox amount is cleared
This assignment is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 6.
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North Lake College Apache Config File Project
Exercise 11. Edit the Apache config file (or use a .htaccess file) and set the default expiration for cached documents to ...
North Lake College Apache Config File Project
Exercise 11. Edit the Apache config file (or use a .htaccess file) and set the default expiration for cached documents to 1 hour after the document is first accessed. What directives and values did you use for this?2. Restart Apache and retrieve the ‘index.html’ file at http://localhost/index.html3. View the response headers ‘Expires’ and ‘Cache-Control’. What values do these headers have? Explain what these values mean.4. Edit the Apache config file (or use a .htacess file) and set the expiration time for text files to 30 minutes after the document was last modified. Set the expiration time for image files to 1 hour after the file was last accessed. What directives and values did you use for this?5. Restart Apache and view the response headers after requesting both an image and a text file.What values to you see in ‘Expires’ and ‘Cache-Control’ headers?6. Modify the text file and request it again. Now what values do you see in these headers? Is this what you expect? Why?Exercise 21. Configure Apache on your local host as a forward proxy server. What directives and values did you use?2. Configure a browser on a different host to use that Apache proxy server and verify that it works. Make a request to ‘’. Check the log files on your proxy server. Do you see any log entries?3. Configure your proxy server to block requests to ‘’ and try again to access it using your browser. Can you access it? What entries do you have in your proxy server log file?
To Complete this Assignment you MUST be familiar with Tableau and Power Point
Details:The purpose of this assignment is to create a data story and communicate findings to key stakeholders.Part 1: For ...
To Complete this Assignment you MUST be familiar with Tableau and Power Point
Details:The purpose of this assignment is to create a data story and communicate findings to key stakeholders.Part 1: For this assignment, you will use the "Arizona Incomes by Zip Code" dataset. You will use Tableau to create a data story that illustrates the median household incomes of Arizona residents. The data provided includes all zip codes in Arizona. Each record is a unique zip code. The data includes the following columns:Zip_Code: An Arizona zip code.Metro_Area: Whether or not the zip code is within the Phoenix-metro area.City: The city name of the zip code.Median_Income: The median household income of each zip code based on 5-year estimates (2010-2014) from the U.S. Census Bureau.The marketing manager has asked you to analyze income data for Arizona residents so that leaders in his department can determine the company's advertising strategy. The marketing manager intends to share this data with other decisions makers and the marketing department staff so that everyone has a thorough understanding of how the income information can be used to determine specific target markets in upcoming advertising campaigns. Because most of these individuals do not have a strong understanding of analytics, they must be able gain the information listed below from studying the charts. In the data story, use visualizations, heat maps, boxplots, etc. to describe the following:How do incomes differ across zip codes within the Phoenix-metro area (using geo-mapping)?What is the relative difference in incomes across zip codes within the Phoenix-metro area (use a heat map)?What are the distribution of incomes across Arizona?How do incomes within the Phoenix metro area differ from those outside of that area?Part 2: Demonstrate the ability to communicate the analytics story to key stakeholders, including the marketing manager, by creating a 6-10 slide PowerPoint presentation (with speaker notes for each slide). Use the charts generated in Tableau to illustrate the data story as it relates to the income of Arizona residents. The slides and speaker notes should address the following for each chart presented.What information is the chart providing to stakeholders?Why is the information in the chart important to key stakeholders?How can this information be used in making decisions about how marketing dollars can be allocated?Refer to the resource, "Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations," located in the Student Success Center, for additional guidance on completing this assignment in the appropriate style.While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting, guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
CMGT430 University of Phoenix Enterprise Security Concerns Paper
After reviewing the material your group has prepared so far, the management team has returned with a list of five specific ...
CMGT430 University of Phoenix Enterprise Security Concerns Paper
After reviewing the material your group has prepared so far, the management team has returned with a list of five specific concerns. They include:Access controlSecurity enterpriseImpact of implementing a change management systemMitigationRisk managementManagement has asked you to address concerns with a visual presentation. Address concerns by providing the following information:An overview of the access controlRequired mitigation steps for each concernPrioritize concernsConcerns with vendor relations from the enterprise security standpointDescription of how the organization can apply risk management principles in its effortsDescription of iterative maintenance effort, including audits and frequencyInclude at least two references formatted according to APA guidelines.Present the information in one of the following ways:A detailed chart along with a brief 1- to 2-page executive summary explaining the decisions madeA 12- to 14-slide multimedia-rich presentation with speaker notes
4 pages
Initial Post
Back end web architectures runs codes on the web and contains logic that sends appropriate data requests received from cli ...
Initial Post
Back end web architectures runs codes on the web and contains logic that sends appropriate data requests received from clients back to the client ...
CSE 101 UCSC Dictionary ADT Using Underlying Red Black Tree Data Structure Exercise
The following Dictionary ADT is to be completed in C language.Please look at the attached pa7.pdf as it is the prompt. The ...
CSE 101 UCSC Dictionary ADT Using Underlying Red Black Tree Data Structure Exercise
The following Dictionary ADT is to be completed in C language.Please look at the attached pa7.pdf as it is the prompt. The Dictionary ADT uses a Red-Black Tree(RBT) underlying data structure. As mentioned in the pa7.pdf this is a modification of previous pa6 that I will provide to you, it uses an underlying Binary Search Tree(BST) and we are to switch that out for a RBT in this assignment. We are given the pseudocode to implement the RBT data structure into the enclosed functions. The pseudocode can be found in the pseudocode.txt file. pa7.pdf states that Order.c is based upon Lex.c, which I will provide alongside the Dictionary ADT using BST when working together. The WordFrequency.c will also be provided.There will also be a grading script that the ADT will tested against, that I will provide as well.In1 and out1 is an example of what is to be expected given an input.Dictionart.txt is the header file.
University of the Cumberlands Network Survey Design & Plan Presentation
Project Part 1: Network Survey
Network defenses rely first on understanding the current configuration of host ...
University of the Cumberlands Network Survey Design & Plan Presentation
Project Part 1: Network Survey
Network defenses rely first on understanding the current configuration of hosts, services, and protocols in use within the organization. Before it is possible to plan to change anything, you must first understand what is present and where it is located within the network. The initial phase of any network security realignment process involves identifying existing resources.
You have been working as a technology associate in the information systems department at Corporation Techs. The Corporation Techs’ management is concerned that they are losing business to a competitor whose bids are too accurately just under the bids offered by Corporation Techs––by an exact amount. A security firm was contracted to conduct a review of Corporation Techs' systems, identifying unauthorized access to the Web server as a potential source of compromise due to the shared reporting and public Web site functions. The packet trace and vulnerability scans gathered during this review are available for your use.
The Web server provides public access to the organization's static Web site for contact information, while sales team members in the field transfer contract and bid documents using a site secured with a logon and password. Corporation Techs has budgeted for new networking hardware but does not want to add additional servers due to cooling issues. Your manager has asked you to create a security plan that will prevent unauthorized access, while making sure that both public and secured Web access remain available.
The data and information you need to complete this part of the project are provided to you. (See the Required Source Information and Tools section at the beginning of this document.) In this part of the project, you need to conduct a survey of the existing hosts, services, and protocols within Corporation Techs' network. Specifically, you need to:
1.Access the PCAP data using NetWitness Investigator.
2.Identify hosts within the Corporation Techs’ network.
3.Identify protocols in use within the Corporation Techs’ network.
Develop a list of hosts and services provided by each.
Create a professional report detailing the information above as the initial document for development of the network security plan.
Write the network survey results as detailed in the instructions above.
Project Part 2: Network Design
As discussed so far in this course, the configuration of a network affects the options available for security and network defense. Using the network survey produced during the first part of this project, together with host vulnerability assessments and access requirements, you need to design an updated network structure.
You have been working as a technology associate the information systems department at Corporation Techs for a while now. You have discovered so far that all of Corporation Techs’ computer systems share the same Class C public IP address range, including workstations along with servers providing authentication, e-mail, and both secure and public Web sites.
Your next task in this project is to construct a basic network design. An important requirement for the network design is to reduce the number of public addresses needed as the subnet lease results in very high ISP costs.
Construct a basic network design, separating private and public services within the Corporation Techs’ network. To do so, you must:
1.Access the PCAP files using NetWitness Investigator, and browse the Nmap scan (XML format), topology fisheye chart (PDF format), and Nessus report (HTML format).
2.Identify vulnerabilities and clear-text information transfer.
3.Conduct research and determine the best network design to ensure security of internal access while retaining public Web site availability.
4.Identify any opportunities for reduced ISP costs through port redirection or address translation.
5.Design a network configuration, identifying network gateways, port or address redirection systems, and the location of hosts within private and protected network segments.
6.Create a professional report detailing the information above as supportive documentation for the network security plan.
Create a report that includes a basic network diagram and research results.
Final Project: Network Security Plan
You have been working as a technology associate in the information systems department at Corporation Techs for three months now. You have conducted a network survey and developed a basic network design intended to provide security for private network resources and publically exposed Web services.
Your manager specified that all information transferred between the sales team in the field and the organizational servers must be protected against snooping. The manager also wants the secured reporting site to be available only through the organization's private network so that an outsourced network-based intrusion detection system (NIDS) service can log all connections.
You need to recommend a network design and identify hardening strategies intended to meet the requirements. To do so, you must:
1.Access the PCAP and other scan data for this project.
2.Conduct research and determine the best network design to meet the stated requirements.
3.Research hardening strategies and identify recommended mitigation strategies for identified vulnerabilities.
4.Identify mechanisms for secure network access by remote users, both in terms of secure Web access as well as reporting access conducted using the private network.
5.Develop a network security plan including network realignment, hardening practices, and policies for remote resource access.
6.Identify expectations from recommended changes and provide justification for each recommendation in simple language so that primary stakeholders are able to understand it.
Create a professional report detailing the information above, presented as a recommendation for a network security realignment project for Corporation Techs. Include persuasive justification and measurable expectations as part of this recommendation.
Write the network design results as detailed in the instructions above. Your plan should be made using a standard word processor format compatible with Microsoft Word.
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North Lake College Apache Config File Project
Exercise 11. Edit the Apache config file (or use a .htaccess file) and set the default expiration for cached documents to ...
North Lake College Apache Config File Project
Exercise 11. Edit the Apache config file (or use a .htaccess file) and set the default expiration for cached documents to 1 hour after the document is first accessed. What directives and values did you use for this?2. Restart Apache and retrieve the ‘index.html’ file at http://localhost/index.html3. View the response headers ‘Expires’ and ‘Cache-Control’. What values do these headers have? Explain what these values mean.4. Edit the Apache config file (or use a .htacess file) and set the expiration time for text files to 30 minutes after the document was last modified. Set the expiration time for image files to 1 hour after the file was last accessed. What directives and values did you use for this?5. Restart Apache and view the response headers after requesting both an image and a text file.What values to you see in ‘Expires’ and ‘Cache-Control’ headers?6. Modify the text file and request it again. Now what values do you see in these headers? Is this what you expect? Why?Exercise 21. Configure Apache on your local host as a forward proxy server. What directives and values did you use?2. Configure a browser on a different host to use that Apache proxy server and verify that it works. Make a request to ‘’. Check the log files on your proxy server. Do you see any log entries?3. Configure your proxy server to block requests to ‘’ and try again to access it using your browser. Can you access it? What entries do you have in your proxy server log file?
To Complete this Assignment you MUST be familiar with Tableau and Power Point
Details:The purpose of this assignment is to create a data story and communicate findings to key stakeholders.Part 1: For ...
To Complete this Assignment you MUST be familiar with Tableau and Power Point
Details:The purpose of this assignment is to create a data story and communicate findings to key stakeholders.Part 1: For this assignment, you will use the "Arizona Incomes by Zip Code" dataset. You will use Tableau to create a data story that illustrates the median household incomes of Arizona residents. The data provided includes all zip codes in Arizona. Each record is a unique zip code. The data includes the following columns:Zip_Code: An Arizona zip code.Metro_Area: Whether or not the zip code is within the Phoenix-metro area.City: The city name of the zip code.Median_Income: The median household income of each zip code based on 5-year estimates (2010-2014) from the U.S. Census Bureau.The marketing manager has asked you to analyze income data for Arizona residents so that leaders in his department can determine the company's advertising strategy. The marketing manager intends to share this data with other decisions makers and the marketing department staff so that everyone has a thorough understanding of how the income information can be used to determine specific target markets in upcoming advertising campaigns. Because most of these individuals do not have a strong understanding of analytics, they must be able gain the information listed below from studying the charts. In the data story, use visualizations, heat maps, boxplots, etc. to describe the following:How do incomes differ across zip codes within the Phoenix-metro area (using geo-mapping)?What is the relative difference in incomes across zip codes within the Phoenix-metro area (use a heat map)?What are the distribution of incomes across Arizona?How do incomes within the Phoenix metro area differ from those outside of that area?Part 2: Demonstrate the ability to communicate the analytics story to key stakeholders, including the marketing manager, by creating a 6-10 slide PowerPoint presentation (with speaker notes for each slide). Use the charts generated in Tableau to illustrate the data story as it relates to the income of Arizona residents. The slides and speaker notes should address the following for each chart presented.What information is the chart providing to stakeholders?Why is the information in the chart important to key stakeholders?How can this information be used in making decisions about how marketing dollars can be allocated?Refer to the resource, "Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations," located in the Student Success Center, for additional guidance on completing this assignment in the appropriate style.While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting, guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
CMGT430 University of Phoenix Enterprise Security Concerns Paper
After reviewing the material your group has prepared so far, the management team has returned with a list of five specific ...
CMGT430 University of Phoenix Enterprise Security Concerns Paper
After reviewing the material your group has prepared so far, the management team has returned with a list of five specific concerns. They include:Access controlSecurity enterpriseImpact of implementing a change management systemMitigationRisk managementManagement has asked you to address concerns with a visual presentation. Address concerns by providing the following information:An overview of the access controlRequired mitigation steps for each concernPrioritize concernsConcerns with vendor relations from the enterprise security standpointDescription of how the organization can apply risk management principles in its effortsDescription of iterative maintenance effort, including audits and frequencyInclude at least two references formatted according to APA guidelines.Present the information in one of the following ways:A detailed chart along with a brief 1- to 2-page executive summary explaining the decisions madeA 12- to 14-slide multimedia-rich presentation with speaker notes
4 pages
Initial Post
Back end web architectures runs codes on the web and contains logic that sends appropriate data requests received from cli ...
Initial Post
Back end web architectures runs codes on the web and contains logic that sends appropriate data requests received from clients back to the client ...
CSE 101 UCSC Dictionary ADT Using Underlying Red Black Tree Data Structure Exercise
The following Dictionary ADT is to be completed in C language.Please look at the attached pa7.pdf as it is the prompt. The ...
CSE 101 UCSC Dictionary ADT Using Underlying Red Black Tree Data Structure Exercise
The following Dictionary ADT is to be completed in C language.Please look at the attached pa7.pdf as it is the prompt. The Dictionary ADT uses a Red-Black Tree(RBT) underlying data structure. As mentioned in the pa7.pdf this is a modification of previous pa6 that I will provide to you, it uses an underlying Binary Search Tree(BST) and we are to switch that out for a RBT in this assignment. We are given the pseudocode to implement the RBT data structure into the enclosed functions. The pseudocode can be found in the pseudocode.txt file. pa7.pdf states that Order.c is based upon Lex.c, which I will provide alongside the Dictionary ADT using BST when working together. The WordFrequency.c will also be provided.There will also be a grading script that the ADT will tested against, that I will provide as well.In1 and out1 is an example of what is to be expected given an input.Dictionart.txt is the header file.
University of the Cumberlands Network Survey Design & Plan Presentation
Project Part 1: Network Survey
Network defenses rely first on understanding the current configuration of host ...
University of the Cumberlands Network Survey Design & Plan Presentation
Project Part 1: Network Survey
Network defenses rely first on understanding the current configuration of hosts, services, and protocols in use within the organization. Before it is possible to plan to change anything, you must first understand what is present and where it is located within the network. The initial phase of any network security realignment process involves identifying existing resources.
You have been working as a technology associate in the information systems department at Corporation Techs. The Corporation Techs’ management is concerned that they are losing business to a competitor whose bids are too accurately just under the bids offered by Corporation Techs––by an exact amount. A security firm was contracted to conduct a review of Corporation Techs' systems, identifying unauthorized access to the Web server as a potential source of compromise due to the shared reporting and public Web site functions. The packet trace and vulnerability scans gathered during this review are available for your use.
The Web server provides public access to the organization's static Web site for contact information, while sales team members in the field transfer contract and bid documents using a site secured with a logon and password. Corporation Techs has budgeted for new networking hardware but does not want to add additional servers due to cooling issues. Your manager has asked you to create a security plan that will prevent unauthorized access, while making sure that both public and secured Web access remain available.
The data and information you need to complete this part of the project are provided to you. (See the Required Source Information and Tools section at the beginning of this document.) In this part of the project, you need to conduct a survey of the existing hosts, services, and protocols within Corporation Techs' network. Specifically, you need to:
1.Access the PCAP data using NetWitness Investigator.
2.Identify hosts within the Corporation Techs’ network.
3.Identify protocols in use within the Corporation Techs’ network.
Develop a list of hosts and services provided by each.
Create a professional report detailing the information above as the initial document for development of the network security plan.
Write the network survey results as detailed in the instructions above.
Project Part 2: Network Design
As discussed so far in this course, the configuration of a network affects the options available for security and network defense. Using the network survey produced during the first part of this project, together with host vulnerability assessments and access requirements, you need to design an updated network structure.
You have been working as a technology associate the information systems department at Corporation Techs for a while now. You have discovered so far that all of Corporation Techs’ computer systems share the same Class C public IP address range, including workstations along with servers providing authentication, e-mail, and both secure and public Web sites.
Your next task in this project is to construct a basic network design. An important requirement for the network design is to reduce the number of public addresses needed as the subnet lease results in very high ISP costs.
Construct a basic network design, separating private and public services within the Corporation Techs’ network. To do so, you must:
1.Access the PCAP files using NetWitness Investigator, and browse the Nmap scan (XML format), topology fisheye chart (PDF format), and Nessus report (HTML format).
2.Identify vulnerabilities and clear-text information transfer.
3.Conduct research and determine the best network design to ensure security of internal access while retaining public Web site availability.
4.Identify any opportunities for reduced ISP costs through port redirection or address translation.
5.Design a network configuration, identifying network gateways, port or address redirection systems, and the location of hosts within private and protected network segments.
6.Create a professional report detailing the information above as supportive documentation for the network security plan.
Create a report that includes a basic network diagram and research results.
Final Project: Network Security Plan
You have been working as a technology associate in the information systems department at Corporation Techs for three months now. You have conducted a network survey and developed a basic network design intended to provide security for private network resources and publically exposed Web services.
Your manager specified that all information transferred between the sales team in the field and the organizational servers must be protected against snooping. The manager also wants the secured reporting site to be available only through the organization's private network so that an outsourced network-based intrusion detection system (NIDS) service can log all connections.
You need to recommend a network design and identify hardening strategies intended to meet the requirements. To do so, you must:
1.Access the PCAP and other scan data for this project.
2.Conduct research and determine the best network design to meet the stated requirements.
3.Research hardening strategies and identify recommended mitigation strategies for identified vulnerabilities.
4.Identify mechanisms for secure network access by remote users, both in terms of secure Web access as well as reporting access conducted using the private network.
5.Develop a network security plan including network realignment, hardening practices, and policies for remote resource access.
6.Identify expectations from recommended changes and provide justification for each recommendation in simple language so that primary stakeholders are able to understand it.
Create a professional report detailing the information above, presented as a recommendation for a network security realignment project for Corporation Techs. Include persuasive justification and measurable expectations as part of this recommendation.
Write the network design results as detailed in the instructions above. Your plan should be made using a standard word processor format compatible with Microsoft Word.
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