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Discuss the importance of a change agent and a guiding team. What is the purpose of each, and what traits make them successful?

Discussion 2

Discuss two strategies that can be used for leading change. How do these strategies increase stakeholder support and create momentum for a change initiative to be successful? Why might you want to consider including the most vocal critic of the change initiative in your guiding team?

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Running Head: DISCUSSION 1


Discussion 1



Change Agent and a Guiding Team
A change agent is a person or a group of people who play an important role in improving
the success of an organization through implementing change. Their purposes in an organization
include providing clues of the events preventing change from happening and determining the
most efficient methods of removing obstacles. They also act as advocates for organization
change and gain the support of the initiative by engaging employees to participate. Organization
changes are often accompanied by different opposing priorities by the employee. The purpose of
change agents in such cases is to help people resolve their conflict by helping them in finding
common goals (Stagl, 2011). Some of the most important traits required for one to be successful
change agents include patient and persistence. People take time in embracing change and
understanding its importance. It is, therefore, cruc...

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