University of Rice Chapter 6 Creating the World of the Play William Shakespeare Questions

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University of Rice


    • 1. Describe the 4 Elements the book talks about when the Playwright is working on Creating Structure. Be sure to include the Difference between Plot and Story.
    • 2. What are the differences and similarities between a Climatic Plot and an Episodic Plot?
    • 3. What are the differences and similarities between Modern Tragedy and Traditional Traged
    • 4. Watch the film Shakespeare in Love. Write 300 + words about the film and how the play Shakespeare was writing started out as a comedy and moved into a tragedy.What elements did it have that made it a comedy and what was either added or taken away from the play he was writing to turn it into a tragedy.Use Examples from the book pages 181 - 185. DO NOT WRITE A SYNOPSIS OF THE MOVIE!

Info on the Film

  • Title – Shakespeare in Love (1998)
  • Directed – John Madden
  • Written – Marc Norman and Tom Stoppard
  • Starring – Joseph Fiennes, Gwyneth Paltrow

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UNIT III – Jun. 26th – July 1nd. Follow this sheet and comply with all the Elements by the Due Date, July 1nd at 11:59pm. Except the Quiz which will be posted on Apr. 2nd and will be due by 11:59pm on that same day. The Theatre Experience textbook – pg. 120 - 193. • • • Chapter 6 – Creating the World of the Play Chapter 7 – Dramatic Structures Chapter 8 – Theatrical Genres Discussion Questions: Answer all questions and complete the Quiz and the Film Project for the Unit. Remember each question must be answered in 250 words (unless stated otherwise) and you will not receive credit for the questions until I respond back to you with a + sign. Since you have 1 week to complete this Unit III recommend you do the task early and gradually and not all at once at the end. This way I have time to respond back to you if you don’t receive a + sign on a question. Rubric for Questions: • • • 5 Answer – o Is at least 250 words. 249 words is unacceptable. o Uses definitions from the Text and are appropriate to the question. o Uses examples not from the text and are appropriate to the question. o Demonstrates knowledge of the readings from the text by using appropriate examples. o Demonstrate coherent and proper syntax and grammar. o Assignments do not repeat themselves in an effort to reach the 250 word requirement, but instead use other examples from the text and outside the text. 4 Answer – o Is at least 250 words. 249 words is unacceptable. o Uses definitions from the text and are appropriate to the question. o Uses examples not from the text. o Demonstrate coherent and proper syntax and grammar. o Assignments do not repeat themselves in an effort to reach the 250 word requirement, but instead use other examples from the text and outside the text. 3 Answer – o Is at least 250 words. 249 words is unacceptable. o Uses definitions from the Text and are appropriate to the question. o Demonstrate coherent and proper syntax and grammar. • • 2 Answer o Is at least 250 words. 249 words is unacceptable o Uses definitions from the Text and are appropriate to the question. 1 Answer o Is at least 250 words. 249 words is unacceptable Questions 1. Describe the 4 Elements the book talks about when the Playwright is working on Creating Structure. Be sure to include the Difference between Plot and Story. 2. What are the differences and similarities between a Climatic Plot and an Episodic Plot? 3. What are the differences and similarities between Modern Tragedy and Traditional Tragedy? 4. Quiz: Which will be posted July 2nd and you will have that day to complete it. 5. Watch the film Shakespeare in Love. Write 300 + words about the film and how the play Shakespeare was writing started out as a comedy and moved into a tragedy. What elements did it have that made it a comedy and what was either added or taken away from the play he was writing to turn it into a tragedy. Use Examples from the book pages 181 - 185. DO NOT WRITE A SYNOPSIS OF THE MOVIE! Info on the Film • • • • Title – Shakespeare in Love (1998) Directed – John Madden Written – Marc Norman and Tom Stoppard Starring – Joseph Fiennes, Gwyneth Paltrow
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Explanation & Answer

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Shakespeare in Love Questions


Shakespeare in Love Questions

Question 1: Elements the book talks about when creating the structure
Opening scene
There are several elements that the book Shakespeare in Love talks about when the
playwright is working on creating the structure of the story. The first element is the opening
scene, in which he gives the audience an idea of the type of story that will be told in the play. It
also sets the tone of the story that is to come in the play. In the opening scene of this book, the
playwright brings out the type of play to be the theatre play, a romantic comedy as revealed by
the opening scene in the conversation with a character being tortured to reveal details of the play
Shakespeare is writing about.
Obstacles and complications
The second element entails the obstacles and complications in which the playwright talks
about the various obstacles that the women in that society encounter where they are not allowed
to be actors, as evidenced by Viola in which she pretends to be a man when she goes to audition
for the play (Norman & Stoppard, 1998). Complications arise when her secret is discovered
when she falls in love with Shakespeare, who has promised to love someone else and with her
being betrothed to marry Lord Wessex.
Crisis and climax and plot vs. story
The third element is the crisis and climax. It gets discovered that Kent is a woman, and
the creators of the pl...

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